[I]"Shay..., this is hard for me to say, so you must try and understand."[/I] The words immediately made Shay tense up and flush with embarrassment. Had he read the situation wrong? Was he being foolish in allowing personal feelings get in the way of his responsibilities? He stared back at Vera, uncertain and apprehensive. He feared what she was going to say, and it was shaping up to look like she was trying to let him down easy from a crippling blow, how she thought lovers were foolish and how no man had ever won her heart. He wasn’t sure if he were quite at that point himself, but she seemed to be preparing to cut the head off the snake before it had the chance to strike. [I]Words like these… it’s probably why there’s no snakes in Ireland.[/I] Shay thought jokingly to cushion the blow. And then she caressed his face. It was electrifying, and he was enraptured by the gentle warmth. He looked searchingly into Vera’s eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening. Her words turned to praise, separating him from so many others, that she actually [I]trusted[/I] him, something he knew came very hard to Vera. The barbed words he had expected instead turned into a confidential warmth, something she offered him in confidence. His heart raced, realizing that even in the past week, he actually was someone important to Vera that she had no intention of discarding. [I] "Tonight was wonderful. Please know, that I too, share these same emotions. I am glad that I can bring you some peace to a world like this."[/I] Before Shay could let the implication of these words sink into his heart, a loud bang against the window startled him, thinking someone was furiously trying to interrupt the moment, which all but evaporated like water on a stovetop. A cheeky, grinning face appeared. Silas. If Shay had access to snow at that moment, he would have tossed it in the youth’s face for scaring him half to death, even if he had a point. They’d dawdled for long enough, he supposed. Sam had been waiting in the Tawdy for probably hours now, waiting for their return. The realization made Shay feel guilty as he rubbed his temples with his forefinger and thumb. “As soon as my bloody heart steadies its tempo. Damn Silas scared the life out of me.” He said, before breaking out into a nervous laugh. “Before we head in… I just want to say that I appreciate all you just said. You had me mighty worried I made a grand fool out of myself, but I suppose there’s worse things if it means you smile at me like that.” Shay said, returning the warm expression as he reached for the door handle and stepped outside into the street. Walking around to get the door for Vera and help her out, the pair headed into the familiar doors of the Tawdy and the familiar, friendly air was intact and it was not as deserted as the last time they were in. Sam was sitting at a round table with four chairs. Looking up, he watched his sister and friend approach and he offered them a gesture to sit, which was taken. “I’ll be damned, you dress up mighty respectable, if I do say so myself, Shay.” Sam said with a grin, turning his attention to Vera. “And I’ve never seen you look anything less than stunning in a dress. You certainly got that from mom’s side. So, how did it all work out? Do you have your in?”