well... 'part' of it could be 'my' fault for bringing in a concept that a lot of people are afraid to talk about XD anything pony related tends to have a nasty stigma glued to it, not unlike the whole 'afraid to be racist' thing or 'afraid to sound like hating gay people' thing... Sometimes I forget that just because 'I' am over being bothered by such things, doesn't mean it's not still controversial elsewhere XD That is actually a cool idea XD Granted, we used to just make an extra thread for all the chatter and BS :D And as a CO-gm, of course you can say yes or no DX that's why i was asking in the first place xD and oh dear, i'm tempted to make a pun about things becoming 'serious'.... XD On another note, I figure this would be a good chance to say, I am 'not' a brony [seriously, I'm not exaggerating when I Tell you that 'humoring' someone and watching some of MLP, left me in physical pain by the time the episode was over... it 'really' hurt to watch it.], I'm just someone who's over being put off by something being 'pony', and came to understand that the fact of something being related to 'colorful horses' does not make it infallibly girly... far as I'm concerned, it's pretty much the same as themes where humans are replaced with various invented alien species, bugs, or, god forbid, 'furries'. [*reflexively shudders*]. Hell, Mixing ponies into Fallout, if anything, made it even darker >.> i mean, humans are 'known' to be violent and hateful of each-other for the dumbest of reasons. As it so happens, I experiment with pony related things as part of an exercise, an exercise in opening my mind and experiencing new things as well as over-coming the inherent drive to hate things based on judgements from only seeing a little bit of something, and when you 'ignore' the facts that the 'origin' of a lot of things is a cartoon about 'colorful loveable ponies', there are a lot of things 'inspired' by it that are impressively badass >.> and if a something doesn't manage to be awesome in 'some' way, something tends to end up being plain 'hilarious' XD ... Of course, there's always the truly freaky things too... I... I still stumble across imagery that horrifies me to no end, but 'at least' I haven't accidentally stumbled across the 'sonic' variety of disturbing content since ponies showed up. Honestly... I wouldn't be surprised if the spreading epidemic of 'pony obsession' is some kind of subliminal conspiracy >.> I am slightly racist, I am a gamer, a hobby conspiracy theorist, I use ponies for some awesome shit