[@KiraChan] [@GhostWing] [@The Elvenqueen] [center][b]Avir[/b][/center] Avir let Saaba do most of the talking as he idly looked around. It wasn't long until the older cub had turned her attention to him and asked the most obvious of questions. As much as he was expecting this, he just couldn't help but sigh. Being asked that right off the bat huh? [color=f26522]"We're not mates. To be honest, we only met today. Although we are going to work together to take care of you both."[/color] He replied. He observed that this older cub seems to be quite attached to the younger cub that he had picked up earlier. [color=f26522]"I grew up in the same circumstances, without a family, barely knew how to hunt. I would not like for other cubs to experience something like that. So no, we are not going to attack you."[/color]