[hider=John Harley ] DIGIDESTINED Name : John Harley Age 16 Gender: Male Physical Description: [hider][img]https://d.wattpad.com/story_parts/149247947/images/13f1f88d3c06f34a.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: While John is generally friendly he can sometimes come across as rude without realizing it. He will apologize if someone points it though. Due to the fact he grew up with a dog constantly around he has a pretty big soft spot for animals of all kinds, especially cute ones. He won't tell anyone for fear of being bullied but he believes he might be either gay or bisexual. While not exactly suffering from low self esteem he does have a tendency to blame himself if something important goes wrong, more so if he could actually do something about it. As a result he can be reckless in his attempts to help others Additional Information: He and his older brother were raised by their single father for as long as he can remember DIGIMON Atrribute: Data Type: Fire Digivolutions (For each of the Digivolutions give the Digimons: Name, Physical Description, and Move Set.) In-Training/Baby [hider=Gordramon][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/d/d4/Gordramon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121227004841[/img][/hider] [list] [*] Crusher Paw: Charges up all its might into its over-developed right forelimb, slicing with its newly grown claws [/list] Rookie/Child Caldramon [hider=Made by VegaAltair][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/b89e/th/pre/i/2015/107/f/c/digimon_oc_caldramon_by_vegaaltair-d7h2t01.png[/img][/hider] [list] [*] Magma sphere: Fires a small magma orb from mouth to the enemy [*] Fiery smash: Pommels the enemy using the hot temperature from the flame energy inside it's arms. [/list] Champion/Adult Pumnalmon [hider=Made by Corishadowfang][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/7dce/f/2011/175/5/5/pumnalmon_by_corishadowfang-d3ju4oj.jpg[/img][/hider] [list] [*] Molten Slag: Fires a blast of molten metal at the opponent [*] Burning Blades: The blades on the outside of both of his arms flip so they face forward. Flames cover the tips of his blades and claws, and he uses them to slash at the opponent. [/list] Ultimate/Perfect Jianmon [hider=Made by Corishadowfang][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/9f17/f/2011/175/e/8/jianmon_by_corishadowfang-d3ju5v0.jpg[/img][/hider] [list] [*] Molten Claw: Jianmon's swords become red hot, and he uses them to attack the opponent [*] Scorpio Star: His tail blade is coated with purple energy, and he slashes it at the opponent [*] Sword of Light: He opens his mouth, and energy begins to gather in front of it and between the two spikes that come down near it. Then he fires a blast of electrical energy at the opponent. [/list] Mega/Ultimate Sanadramon [hider=Made by techan][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/aec1/i/2015/124/a/d/the_warring_crimson_demon_by_techan-d20uhq9.png[/img][/hider] [list] [*] Faia Roar: Trusting his spears beyond the speed of sound, a crimson roaring shockwave of fire streams through the ground destroying everything in its path leaving nothing but the souls of innocents unharmed. [*] Crimson Soul: Joining the long spears together, Sanadramon launches himself via pole jump with a Digisoul charged knuckle. Nothing that is put before the burning fist can still remain its shape after being mauled by the blazing soul. [*] Rekka Majin Hirameki: With his spears joined together, Sanadramon’s entire body is set blaze by his own Digisoul and is sent flying light speed. With his spears a blaze, he tears right through the fabric of space and punches through his enemies regardless of protection. [/list] Digivice Physical Description John's Digivice resembles an orange flip cellphone with yellow flame decals. During digivolution the flames change color to blue (for any form up to Champion) or white (when going to Ultimate and Mega). Special Characteristics Like the cellphone it resembles John can use it to contact other phones and Digivices (as long they are able to send and receive messages). It also has a built in GPS and the ability to take pictures. [/hider]