[b][u] Palatine [/u][/b] Not too long before he could even take his first step towards home, David had immediately collapsed where he stood, the these past few sleepless days finally catching up to him, this had came to a shock to his squad and the new tag-alongs, both of whom had stayed behind along with the injured Jessica and Cole as Cila, the only able-bodied being among their squad ran over and tended to the squad's exhausted leader. "I got you, sir." she said as she shouldered him and bring him, and brought him over to one of the abandoned stores, an old clothing store. The others soon followed behind. As they entered, Cila swiftly scanned the room for a fitting spot to place David, she noticed a rather empty spot in men's section, slowly walking over, Cila slowly placed David against the wall. "Thanks kid.." David said weakly, barely able to keep his eyes open, before slowly losing consciousness. "The least I can do, sarge." She replied with a "smile" or at least whatever positive facial expression Aldzur tend to make. "I think we all deserve a rest..." Cole said, his hand placed over his wounded rib. Jess and Cila both looked at Cole, who was in worse shape then jess. He takes notice of their concerned expressions and grinned. "Don't mind me, I can handle it." "Let me at least patch you up." Cila said, placing the bag she had carried the whole way down to the ground, reaching down, searching for something. "Ah! here we go." she yelped, pulling out a foam can and inspecting it. "Still has a little left, thought I used the last of it for jess." She gave the can a good shake before pressing down on the trigger, white foamed shooting out from the can, a semi-solid foam forming across the wound. "Thanks Cila, that's better." Cole said. And the whole time, the two Hol visitors had watched, speaking in their native tongue, conversing on something. In truth, this happenstance was a good thing in a way, the squad was in no shape to press on forward after barely surviving two engagements with Collective soldiers, some more rest was much needed. An some time had long passed, palatine's moon still up high, hanging over and casting it's shadow over the planet. All was peaceful for now. David, finally coming to, had slowly opened his eyes, feeling more energized and awake, he slowly stood up, stretching his legs and arms. It was that moment that he took notice of something, a cylindrical object slowly landed in the middle of the square, followed by four silhouetted figures. "....Shit." David whispered. [@Apollo26]