[center][h2][color=39b54a]Eto Yoshimura[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] It had been almost a year since they had finally disposed of the first immediate threats present during this crisis. A year since the founders of the Alliance of Conquerors had been vanquished by the Dark Outliners. The pivotal element to this victory was none other than Eto Yoshimura, leader of the Aogiri tree and Head Executive within the mysterious organization. An absurdly powerful ghoul, she held the secrets to defeat every one of her ex-colleagues, while they knew her weakness. But what they enemy failed to achieve was exploit the weaknesses of the other Outliners on the ghoul's side. Biollante, the head spy of the Outliners ended up giving up her life to eliminate Queen Ghidorah, but she would be the only loss they would know. Satsuki Kiryuin was killed by Eto out of petty vengeance. Bowser was maimed by the Leading Ethereal. Ultron was rendered to scrap metal by Cyano. And Bambietta had turned Star Killer into a nifty bomb. But even with this victory, they were fully aware that they were just crushing ugly cockroaches and not dealing with the hive that would simply spawn more in no time. They knew this wouldn't solve their problems, but at least they displayed their capabilities to the world, and in return, would be an honored guest to this meeting. A circular UFO used by ADVENT would land on the designated landing pad. The ship seemed pretty typical, not exactly something one would expect from the leader of the group. Though many would quickly discover the lack of any individual they had not seen at least once before. The 'Envisioning One' didn't seem to be present among he group of people that would step out of the advanced piece of technology. There were still quite a few, nonetheless, many armed and serving as security for the VIP's that were ordered to attend this summit in the skies of Arcadia. The armed forces remained 'within' the ship, or rather near the Terminal leading to the ship, of course, while the attendees entered. One of them was Eto, standing at the forefront of the congregation of entities marching under the banner of the Outliners. The green haired ghoul was quick to skip toward her seat on the round table they would be employing to commence negotiations. She was wearing her eccentric granny sweater with the geeky glasses she'd wear during her book signings while her hair was tied in a bun. She'd take the seat on the immediate right of the largest chair dedicated for the Outliners' portion of the table. There were many placed specifically for them, as they had indeed helped the Imperium prepare the logistics in order to get things done as neatly as possible. Eto sat comfortably, while the chair on the left of the mighty large chair would remain empty for now. Rather if it were filled now, it would breach the agreement. As such, they simply let to be vacant, for now. [url=http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/speaker.png]The Speaker[/url] took a seat on the right of Eto, replacing the Ethereal Overlord during its mysterious absence on the radar. He would represent ADVENT in this exchange, as every branch in the Outliners would be represented. Farther on the left sat Tatara, representing the Ghoul army as Eto came as the Head Executive and not the leader of Aogiri. As such he would be the interim leader. An old Quincy would represent the Wandereich, as it seemed both the Executive and the mysterious second member were likely unfit for such representations. "[color=39b54a]Well, well. We're not going to be graced by the God Emperor today? Shameful. Even the boss said they'd come.[/color]" She giggled, setting her elbows on the table as she'd leaned her head forward in order to rest it on her hands. "[color=39b54a]Though don't ask me when, they're always so hard to agree with on schedule~[/color]" She joked before the Speaker would raise his voice. "[color=black]We may want to commence the discussion as soon as possible. Our leader and the Elders have given us precise instructions to proceed without their presence.[/color]" The Speaker claimed, already breaking his role as a 'servant'. The Envisioning One was coming? Odd, the list was indeed: 1) Representative: Eto 2) Bodyguard: Tatara 3) Servant: Speaker 4) Servant: Quincy The arrogance they displayed was gargantuan from the get go, marking these representatives as servants rather than negotiators. They were discussing a peace treaty, not what pizza they were ordering, and they deemed it fit to have a representative from each branch to tip in. And to display even more by claiming they would breach the agreement to let in their superior step in. The Outliners never did hesitate to show their perceived dominance.