[@redletalis] Whether is was because she had been sheltered by her mother or because she had known her father to be friendly towards the Indians, Amelia was friendly with this one. But if she weren't would she really find what she was looking for? The likelihood of this brave having what she was looking for was slim, but you never knew until you tried, right? And it was important to find it. After her father's death, it had been Amelia who had taken up the trading. She didn't know much of the tribal languages, but she did know some of the sign language. Other than that, she usually assumed the natives who wished to trade would now some English. And usually that assumption was right. Usually. Just like how she knew that the pond was a well traveled watering spot for those who passed through. He was calm and stoic to her, like most natives around white people. Well, tag was alright. She didn't need friendly conversation from him, just to look at whatever he was going to trade before he got to the trading post. But when he asked if she had any medicine, she got a bit confused. "Medicine? What kind of medicine?" She asked from across the pond. Her voice carried on the wind, bouncing off the glass-like water. The air still had the cool grey-blue mist of morning in it. The sky was only lit by the teasing tendril of the rising sun. Once that ball of fire broke over the horizon, the sky would ignite into a burst of warm colors to soak the land in it's golden blush.