Connor crouched, taking the puppies head in his hands, although the dog was nearly full grown, she was still a puppy to him. Her dark brown eyes were loving, and she wriggled, her whole body vibrating with her eagerness. [color=8dc73f]"Coco, You have to stay home today, okay? I can't take you to school. You stay, and watch the house, okay?"[/color] He let the beautiful, chocolate lab lick his face, and petted her, smiling and grabbing his pack, he headed out, wwalking towards the school. It didn't take long, and he soon reached the school grounds, looking about him with the keen eye he had learned through his training. Keeping a hand on the strap of his pack, he leaned against a tree, watching the other students [hr] Kalinda sat atop the roof of the school, amused by the antics of the humans scrambling about to make sure they wouldn't be late. forced to maintain a normal profile, Kali was going to the school as well, but that didn't actually mean she had to be any sort of student. She shook her head, what was the point of going to a school for a quater of your life? it didn't make sense to her, and she would gladly destroy the building, but would would be the fun in that if she couldn't torment a few snotty girls, or prideful boys? Standing, she walked to the edge of the roof, balancing there, a smile on her face as she thought ont he fun she could have.