[@Kidd][@RainbowFactory][@Bright_Ops][@Caits] Ashtoreth was lost in thought when a horde of girls rushed past him, it surprised him so much he could have sworn he'd jump straight out of his vessel. [color=9e0b0f]"What in the-"[/color] Ashtoreth was knocked down by the girls storming along, flat on his back... [I] As I thought, a pain.[/I] He thought as he got back up and dusted himself off, there were a few people around who [i] didn't [/i] seem to like stomping over others, a boy wearing headphones, one by the tree and two people sitting on a bench, one clearly enjoying the moment just as much as Ash is, [i]I'm glad[/i] someone [i]feels the same.[/i] Ash walked along and propped himself up against a wall, arms crossed and one foot against the wall behind him. Patiently waiting out his time before doing anything else of any significance.