[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Raymond Mendoza[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/08d1d9a519cba2b941f11eede4ac3cd0/tumblr_mnem18ZHtq1reokfao1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Arnco Mills, Sugar Magnolia Deli[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Raymond watched as Lawrence turned around and instantly got into a combat stance as if to fight him, he couldn't blame him for that it was very rare for anyone to come up to a complete stranger that didn't want to take your supplies or anything of value. Before he could even answer though Raymond heard the gunshots, which he wasn't sure where it had come from, and gunshots were bad which could draw Walkers in. Then Ray heard a banging on the glass and saw a Walker was inside, Raymond turned calmly towards Lawrence once more still trying to be as calm and relaxed as he possibly could he was a stranger as well and anyone would do anything these days just to survive. [color=lightblue]"Hey listen man, calm down if I wanted your shit i'd have killed you already. But i'm not that kind of guy. The name is Ray by the way."[/color] Raymond said as he looked around before slowly taking off his backpack his eyes still trained on Lawrence. [color=lightblue]"Found a fox here, if you want we could share ya look hungry."[/color] Raymond said as he opened it to reveal the dead fox within his pack. [color=lightblue]"And those gunshots would probably attract some walkers. Maybe find a place to hold up and make sure things are clear?"[/color] Raymond said trying to be as friendly towards him as possible he hadn't been with a group in such a long time.