The city of Winnipeg was located in the contested area between the New Empirium and the Alliance of Conquerors. While both sides had withdrawn their armies, the city had seen many conflicts, and bore the scars of months of high-powered warfare. The ruins of drop pods lay amidst crashed bowser ships and scores of unmarked mass graves. Despite all this, the city had somehow acquired a population. People who wished to be associated with neither faction gathered here. Raiders and thieves, criminals and traders, those who fed on the war between the factions, preying on both sides equally. There was no law beyond the law of the jungle, as minor villains from across the multiverse gathered, warred and schemed. A vile hive of corruption and villainy, but also one of the best places for Viral at the time. Arriving in this new universe, Viral's first order of business had been to establish the pecking order. He was at the top, of course. All who had crossed him had either been slaughtered, or enslaved. For the second order of business was to establish an army. Viral was even prepared to enlist the disgusting humans, as he realized that he alone would have no chance of establishing Beastman superiority here. But there was no doubt in his mind that if he prepared the stage, his master would soon follow him into this realm, and another world would become part of the unrelenting Spiral Empire. He would raise an army, and annihilate the fools who had mistakenly claimed the abundant resources of this world for themselves. Of course, he had met with resistance. Few were willing to serve him, either following an allegiance to some other faction or their own desire for freedom. These particular fools were vast and diverse, and all had equally good reasons not to assist him in his assuredly suicidal task. Not that they were given a choice. Beaten into submission, bandits and raiders soon turned into useful allies, even if not entirely willing ones. The Viral Squadron was soon established as a large raiding group in the Contested Zone, wiping out trade groups and ambushing patrols on both sides of the conflict. But now, Viral was finally ready to set his grand plan in motion. He would conquer the city of Winnipeg, and he would make the scum that fought there into his new army. Then he would be ready to challenge the larger factions, an unexpected third party who would wipe out all in his path. All humans who clung to the surface would be annihilated, besides perhaps those who followed him into battle. The mech Enkidu stood far from the edge of the city, staring out over the crumbled pillars of civilisation and hastily rebuilt houses, rickety street markets and gun shows attracting the maggots of the earth. Around the mech's feet a small force of about 50 warriors had gathered, humans armed with high-tech weaponry and riding two armoured hover-boats. The dual laser gattling guns equipped on each of these boats formed the main firepower of the attack, but firing slots allowed those inside to contribute as well, until they were offloaded to fortify an important strategic position. Just as important were the ground troops, some 200 rifraff crew from various universes. Some, more feudal types preferred melee weaponry, but more advanced versions of their standard equipment had been provided. Only the best gear would suffice. One had even managed to attach a Bolter to a turret, making for a high-powered weapon, although he possessed only limited ammo. All in all it was a small army, the product of months of work and conquering. And if this heist was successful, it would be expanded into a force to be truly reckoned with. A bright red beam shot out from the crescent moon on Enki's helmet, slamming into a market area in the city. The resulting explosion wiped out the entire district, larger buildings shaking down and the ramshackle fortifications of the city falling down. This was the signal for attack, and the two hoverboats shot off, followed by the general infantry. Bullets, lasers and even spells flew through the air as Viral's invading force attacked, loudly declaring that this city was now property of the Viral Squad. Enki itself shot forward, flipping over a house to land in one of the many recreational areas of the city. A quick barrage of kunai fired from his left arm took out the meager defensive emplacements present in the city, as his voice rang out from the mech. "Those who wish to live, bow to your new master. Join my forces, and you may live to see the end of my purge." And with his message delivered, he moved on. Those who resisted or attempted to flee the city would soon be mopped up, few could outpace the giant legs of a Gunman after all. ((GM Note: This scene is designed to integrate non-faction characters. Any non-faction characters may be in the city, part of the Viral Squad, or may be outsiders interfering in the carnage, visible from many kilometers away. They might even be members of the factions, moving to interject in this conflict, perhaps believing it to be an advance from the opposing faction.))