[center][hr][color=43B8CC][h1][b]The Character[/b][/h1][/color][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sElj71d.jpg[/img] [color=17758D]♣ [b]Fitzgerald "Fizzy" • 3rd of Clubs • The Spinning Cogs[/b] ♣[/color][/center][center] [h3][color=43B8CC]"It's always best to go out with a [i]฿αη❡[/i]."[hr]♣ ♣ ♣[/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][color=17758D][b]16 • Male[/b][/color][/center] [color=17758D][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Around town Fizzy is dressed in formal attire; a little grubby but none the less still somewhat surprising for a Club - even if he is quite high on the social ladder for his Suit. Spekaing of suits, Fizzy loves to wear his dark blue suit, top hat and matching jacket; it fastens round his throat and trails all the way down to his shins, complete with roomy sleeves that pinch at the elbow and flow to his wrists. He'll often wear midnight-tinted leather gloves, both while out on the town and while dilligently tinkering away with his work. It gets him into alot of trouble when Guards ask him to prove his ranking - even though he's currently In-Training, he's known to get into trouble for playing guessing games with them about his rank. Often Fitzgerald is mistaken for a Spade with his favor for clothing of their Suit color - and he seems to enjoy that confusion, revelling in the idea that he could pass for a higher trump then him. While working though, Fizzy cannot be mistaken for the Club he is. In his work clothes of slacks, suspenders and a button down shirt, covered in dust and the occasional drop of oil, the usually so elegant man dissolves into the sea of lower class citizens, absorbed in work that keeps him happy and is nothing short of a labor of love. [color=17758D][b]Personality:[/b][/color]An eccentric fellow, Fitzgerald gets into alot of trouble, because he can't help being cheeky to the wrong people. That and he has a tendancy to be in the wrong place at the wrong time - though as far as he's concerned, it's always best to be where the action is, and damn the consequences. He's a motivated man with big ideals and a bigger mouth, he has his eye on moving up in the world but he's not afraid to retreat if the situation calls for it. He's a long term planner and like most Clubs, has a desire to prove himself... but he'll happily play the long game if he can best his rivals in the end. Generally he is a jubilent fellow who likes to push people to be the best they can be, even if they don't want to hear it, and sometimes his methods are questionable. He has the heart of a lion, though arguably the strength of a cub - but that's ok. He's one of the Club families that have a knack for the mechanical arts and he uses them to the best of his ability. Overall the strangeness in his demeanor and his sometimes ferverant dedication to his work lead him to spend long hours by himself, either busying himself in the workshop or simply finding himself without company. He's learnt to enjoy these swaithes of time, but occasionally the far off look in his eye suggests a haunting loneliness he just can't shake. [color=17758D][b]Biography:[/b][/color] The House of Shining Cogs is a House of sandy-haired Clubs and Clubs alone, and has been for every rememberable generation. A House of surprising innovation, it's mechanical wonders attracted even the attention of some Nobles. One in particular, an intelligent raven-haired beauty, took a fond interest in Fizzy's father Gerald though he was older and thought himself passed his prime for love. He was a man who had spent his life dedicated to his work, and used those precious years of youth to dedicate to his craft - He was a man who spoke mostly in grunts and curt sentances of few words with little hope of finding a lady to weather his chilly silences. Back then the House was but a six in a rankings for it was - and still is - a house of crafters who eeked their wage as many do. They were two logical, down-to-earth creatures - one a secret-seeker who could not deny her thirst for knowledge, and the near-silent statuesque crafter who spoke little and worked near magic out of metal, clay and stone. It was hardly surprising they found themselves in each other's arms one night, but the surprise of Fitzgerald that followed was not one that was welcomed by her or her family. Not only did she disown her son, but their family kept the story under lock and key, even devising a great scheme to hide his bastard heritage by paying off a dark-haired Club to marry into Gerald's line and raise the child. Gerald would not accept any money from them, but for the love of the mother of his child he accepted their proposal, knowing well that a Club child could bring dishonor to her and ruin her standing. So Fitzgerald was born and raised in a home devoid of love, with a woman who's heart was first bought and never truly gained. As it was, his mother continued to be an anonymous benefactor of his family, though he or his father would never know. The fame she brought them granted wealth, and slowly, his family went up in the world, until - by the time Fitzgerald was ten - his family had become the Third of Clubs.[hr][center][color=43B8CC][h1][b]The System[/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr][color=17758D][b]Stats:[/b][/color] Health: 14 Sanity: 11 Willpower: 10 Stamina: 11 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 15 Stealth: 10 Magic: 10 Vigilence: 11 Luck: 3 [center][color=17758D][b]Loadout:[/b][/color][/center] [color=43B8CC][b]Gas Cloud Lvl 1:[/b][/color] Fitzgerald throws a vial of noxious chemicals leftover from his work , causing 5 poison damage per turn for three turns. [color=43B8CC][b]With Blood, Bone and Metal Lvl 1:[/b][/color] Fitzgerald activates one of his inventions to coat himself or an ally in a series of metal plates that grants +1 Armor. [color=43B8CC][b]Mechanics? It's what I do Lvl 1::[/b][/color] Fitzgerald sends out a tiny adorable mechanical creature to aid him in battle. At higher levels, this creature is not so adorable anymore. [center][color=17758D][b]Skills:[/b][/color][/center] [color=43B8CC][b]Scavenge:[/b][/color]While travelling through locations, Fitzgerald can scavenge for regeants - 10% chance. [color=43B8CC][b]Repair:[/b][/color]Fizzy can spend a half hour of his time to repair an item for one durability point. If out on a mission, he can spend two hours to repair one item for each member of his deck. Since he keeps his equipment so well kept, Fizzy spend 10% less gold when getting his items repaired.[hr][color=43B8CC][center][h1][b]The Effects[/b][/h1][/center][/color][hr] [color=17758D][b]Fates:[/b][/color][list][*] Rank up to Initiate[*][*][/list] [color=17758D][b]Madnesses:[/b][/color][list][*][*][*][/list] [color=17758D][b]Corruptions:[/b][/color][list][*][*][*][/list] [color=17758D][b]Area Unlocks:[/b][/color][list][*][*][*][/list] [color=17758D][b]Gold:[/b][/color] 150g [color=17758D][b]Equipment & Items:[/b][/color][list][*][*][*][/list] [hr][center][color=43B8CC][h1][b]Relations[/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr] to be added later as necessary.