"Next time you'll be the underdog!" Ally yelled after Niijima. "Come on, Kiro, let's get out of here." ~~~Mini Skip to the Dojo~~~ Ally helped Kiro as much as she could, but he was pretty stubborn. She pushed open the gates to the dojo and let Kiro come in. Asuka was the first one to see the two. "What happened to Kiro?" she rushed over. "It was that guy Shaz, the Judo guy," Ally said, "Niijima tricked us into following him. It was a set up fight and Kiro fought Shaz. Kiro won, but this guy- Did his name start with a T?- his gang ambushed us. Kiro got the worse of it." "That's terrible. Kiro, come on, I'm gonna get you cleaned up," Asuka said, waving for him to follow her. She wasn't sure if they were okay to train today or not. Then she considered what happened. "Wait, Kiro did you really beat Shaz? That's amazing! I knew Jiu Jitsu would pay off!" She picked up the boy in a tight hug, but then remembered his injuries. "Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm just so proud!" For a moment, the fear of Kiro being attacked by bigger and badder foes was erased from her mind.