Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak hummed at Meirin. [color=f7941d]”Well, I really do not wish to risk Lucilia filling the mission before we have a chance to speak to her, but…”[/color] He began, giving a quick glance around them. There was no one around to pay attention to them, so he gave her another, brief kiss. [color=f7941d] “I have such a difficult time saying no to you. We can get some breakfast, see if we can find anyone we can trust to join us. There are some of our friends who I believe would be well-suited to diplomacy. Others…would be objectively terrible. Hopefully this time, Lucilia actually has the presence of mind to consider the personalities of the students she allows on the mission, especially considering how delicate it could be.”[/color] Once the pair made their way to the dining hall, Ssarak looked around for anyone they knew. There were indeed a few friends around, though Ssarak elected to at least get his breakfast first. As usual, his meal reflected his meat-heavy diet. He had a sizable cut of pork, with a side of mutton and an egg from an animal he had never actually heard of before, and a cup of herbal tea, since he was in the mood for something more interesting than water. He took his seat beside Meirin, though he refrained from any physical shows of affection that were too obvious, regardless of how tempting it might have been. He knew Mei was uncomfortable with public displays of affection, and he could understand her reasoning. It was only exceptional moments in which he would consider anything more than a quick hug, or a wing around her shoulder. [color=f7941d]”So, who do believe may be a good fit for this mission?”[/color] Ssarak questioned.