In the massive structure that had been prepared for the conclave, Supreme Commander Ba'al and his entourage would arrive in a flash of light as they teleported in. Initial demonstrations had involved his fleet, but these days he didn't see the need for such gaudy and ostentatious displays of power. They knew how strong his Empire was, the resources he could bring to bear. If he needed to then he could call in his ships, but for now he would play nice. Besides [url=]Ba'al[/url] himself, his entourage had several other people. There were armed Jaffa bearing his personal request there to provide escort if he should need defenses, not that he would ever travel without them. There was also his wife [url=]Qe'tesh[/url], who was....less faithful than Teal'c, and it was generally a marriage of convenience for the both of them. Teal'c had been left at home to manage things n his absence, and Ba'al had complete faith in his ability to manage things. "How...quaint," Qe'tesh said with very thinly veiled disgust as she looked about the prepared pavilion. She was less open minded than Ba'al, but she was useful when it came to certain events. She had a keen mind after all. "Now now, they can't help it if they are uncultured barbarians," Ba'al replied with a grin as he stepped forward, leading them towards the meeting area. The bodyguards were silent as they led the way and observed the scene, making sure there were no imminent threats to the group that they escorted. It would not do to have something happen at a meeting like this. And, well, if they could get some scans off of defenses and the like then that would be welcome too. Stepping into the meeting hall, Ba'al grinned as he headed for the seat that had been chosen on the spur of the moment, making sure that he was well represented, at least as best he could be. "Ladies, Gentlemen, a pleasure as always," he said with an eager attitude as he took his seat, the guards standing at attention behind him and Qe'tesh at his side. At the same time, he sized up his opponents. The Imperium were the same as always, so noble and valorous with their perceived moral supremacy. Then there were the Outlier, supporting their own agenda and acting like they were so high and mighty. Qe'tesh was less than welcoming in turn as she sat down next to her husband. "Ah, the Outliers, as pretentious as always," she said with obvious sarcasm. It was, in a way, good to see her like this. So long as she was focused on hostile foes, she wouldn't be scheming against Ba'al himself. With that said, he waited for the meeting to begin. Hopefully this would b worth his time.