Mortainius "Colonel Mortainius!" A solider shouted as he apporached Mortainius, who was gingerly sipping on some margiritas atop of his personal battle tank, despite the fact that he did not possess taste buds. Mortainius was fited with a basic combat mechanical body and wore the standard uniform for those who have reached the rank of colonel in the Alliance but let his Rainbow Skull be clearly visible. Mortainius retorted in grumpiness. "For the last time! Call me Major Mortainius! Your Major commands it!" "R-Right sir! Yes sir!" The solider replied. "Now." Mortainius said. "What could possibly be so important that you would interupt my margirita time!?" "Sir! There is some kind of mech of unkown origin spotted just outside of the city limits!" The solider said. Mortainius immediantly did a spit take of his margirita. "What!? A mech!? Who would DARE to be so foolish and bold as to attack a city under MY jurisdiction!?" It was just then that a massive explosion could be heard originating from the town market square, just a few kilometers away. It was then that he saw the mech stomping around the living quarters and loudly proclaiming that the city was his. Mortainius had just got this job to patrol this border city, a job he took pride in. This was his chance to prove to the Alliance how valuable he was. And he was not going to let ANYTHING stand in his way. He literally tossed aside his glass, not caring where it landed or if it shattered. "All right minions! FORM UP!" The platoon immediantly stood to attention. "All minions! Prepare to assault the city! No doubt its those Imperium bastards who want to break the treaty and declare all-out war between us! We are the frontline! And we will not be pushed back by Imperial scum!" Mortainius then turned to his Leutinent. "Sound the alarm! Deploy ALL tanks, infantry and aircraft on the double! Prepare all artiliary to open fire into the city!" The leutinent seemed very distressed at the situation. "But sir! What about the innocent civilians in the city?" Mortainius did not seemed phased. "I don;t care WHO the bombs land on! I just want them dropped! The enemy will be weakened by the bombs. Thats when we will make our attack and claim the city for the Alliance!" The regiment was immediantly dispatched to follow their given orders. Mortainius grabbed the Rainbow Rod from beneath him. He then directed his tank to sit atop a nearby hill, where he could observe with his binoculars the carnage he was about to unleash upon his enemies.