Name: Donna Troy Age: 15 Gender: Female Hero/Villain name: Wonder Girl Good or Evil?: Good Origin/backstory: The most common one where she was saved by Wonder Woman then brought to Themyscira where the Amazons raised her. She got her powers from the Purple Ray. Height: 5' 8" Pets: Don't think so. XD Powers/skills/abilities/weapons: Flight, superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, superhuman durability, superhuman speed, highly developed fighting/weaponry skills, the ability to flawlessly imitate any voice she knows or hears, and truth sense. Truth sense is basically the ability to sense when someone is lying and to be able to coax the truth out of someone. I'll level her out so she isn't OP though. She has bracelets like WW, but I don't think they're as good. But they still deflect bullets the same. Job (if any): Photographer Mentor: Wonder Woman Home Planet: Earth Personality: Kind, caring, basically a younger copy of Wonder Woman in the sense that they both strive for truth and justice. Donna is probably more silly than her mentor though. Probably not as naive as Wonder Woman, but can trust easily. Weakness: A Kryptonite isn't really cannon for her. I guess she trusts kind of easily, so that too. Strengths: Fighting and democracy. XD Looks: [img][/img] Crush/gf/bf/spouse: Sometimes she has things with Nightwing in the comics and goes on to marry Green Lantern, but I don't think that's gonna be cannon for this thread. XD So open? XD Team affiliation: The Team Family (if important): She was adopted into the Amazons, so all of her sisters are Amazons, her mother is the Queen of the Amazons, so Donna Troy would be the second princess. Anything you'd like to add?: Other: I love you, Rhema. ;) Also Miss Martian is pretty cool.