[hr][hr] [h1][center][color=f6989d]Emily Kessler[/color] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8d1dacf3ffc8823f5c4532ef1ff46b0a/tumblr_o8ua05Ohdj1s60y0eo2_250.gif[/img][/center][/h1] [hr] [center]Main Office -> Break Room -> Conference Room Interactions: Chris Meyer [@AbysmalDemon], Gwen Westbrook [@Morose], Aidan Ferguson [@Morose] (Brief Mention), Eugene Han [@Fabricant451](Brief Mention), Eduard Dautrive [@The Whacko][/center][hr] After a little bit of exploring around the office, Emily had finally decided to start heading toward the conference room itself. Emily had wanted to time it so that she wouldn't be the first person to have entered the room, but also wouldn't be the very last person in fear of being singled out by Aidan (however unlikely that should've been). Somehow she had found herself in the break room dilly-dallying, She might as well have bought a bottle of water or something like that since she was near the vending machines anyway. Her eyes, glassing over the many unhealthy sodas and other treats, acted as an appropriate contrast to the much healthier (and quite frankly the only) option of water. Thankfully it wasn't ungodly expensive, so Emily didn't mind giving it money every once in a while. The machine received some money, and some buttons were pressed, and eventually the bottle of water fell to the slot that was placed for easy access. The water bottle was removed from its chilly home and gripped gingerly in Emily's dominant hand, exiting and making her way to the conference room where more people were gathering. She slipped inside, seeing the Head of Sales, Eugene. One glance at her and Emily could tell that Eugene was looking to get something out of this. All this basically was going to be was just an explanation about why the camera crew happened to be here. She had seen the Scranton documentary, so she sort of knew what to expect. These guys were going to be filming pretty much every second of their time here, maybe even outside of work as well. Scranton's documentary was actually particularly entertaining, and also revealed a lot about why they were so successful even with someone like Michael Scott as their branch manager. Emily was hoping the end result would be just as good, if not even better. Emily walked past Eugene and found a seat next to Chris and Gwen, who were apparently sharing notes or something like that. Not that Emily really minded anyway. The California native couldn't really resist the urge to glance over at Chris. The guy might have been the bossman's most disliked employee, but everyone had their own opinions. Emily put a leg up, wriggling her booted foot around out of sheer boredom. If the meeting would get started soon that would've been really nice. Pretty much everyone that was in the office was present. And right on cue, the bossman, Aidan Ferguson had started the meeting. Not even two words had been spoken before Emily's attention had started wavering. She had propped her elbow up on the table beside her, scrunching her face up as she was resting her head on her fist. A quick glance back had showed that Gwen wasn't even paying attention, but instead reading something. Maybe it was still Chris's notes? She didn't want to intrude - considering she barely even knew the temp. Emily had spaced out right until the word 'murder' had entered her ears. Murder? That was rather... [i]unorthodox[/i]. Even if it was metaphorical it was still a little strange, and considering Aidan's relationship with that particular group of workers, Emily had very strong reason to believe that Aidan would very well do so if he was given the chance to murder any one of the above. Actually, he'd probably murder everyone if he could, save for Eugene. Her eyes started to pan around the office, lingering a bit on Eduard's shiny bald head before moving onto a rather unfamiliar face. Was this the new hire? Emily was delighted by the fact that there was another blonde in the office, she seemed really nice as well. Emily would have to check her email to see if she had to help her set up her computer later today. Like always, she wouldn't mention anything about how she was able to see the new hire's browsing habits. There was a section in the manual that stated that people in her position were able to observe all internet activity within a branch. Something about being able to trace things back to people if they decided to do something stupid. But Emily's attention was yanked back yet again, coming across Aidan finally digressing it and handing it off to... Eduard. If he had something to say at meetings it usually wasn't good. Emily was rarely singled out by Eduard himself about issues regarding her personal conduct, but the man next to her had it much worse. He probably spent more time in that little cubicle of Eduard's than he did at his own. Emily thought it was all worth it though, he was still here after all. Emily's hunch was right, as Eduard had announced that it was time for peer reviews. Emily had pretty much known what people had written about her, but she was sort of curious about what other people said about other people. Not that it was any of her business, but a woman couldn't resist finding out information like that. She turned around to Chris and raised her eyebrows. Knowing the unfortunately negative relationship between Chris and a lot of people, Emily took it upon herself to maybe offer him some support. "[color=f6989d]Chris, do you want some company before you go in later?[/color]" Emily asked sheepishly, hoping that the jokester next to her would accept.