[centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/Candycane_zpssmswzf4o.png[/img][/centre] [color=00aeef][h1][centre]Gourd Lake:[/centre][/h1][/color] The young punk thought what Denys said was probably the best idea. Henry and the armoured soldier would have most likely gone at it until one died. Hell, who knew if Denys could take him? Whatever the case was they had to do something. [color=ed1c24]"I guess that is all we can do. I find it strange we have not seen a single person walking a dog, enjoying a picnic, fishing or finding someone in that shack other there."[/color] she said pointing towards it. The pointing was just to add something, Denys knew the shack since they were in there before the fight broke out. As she pointed something came into view but she could not say what it was. Her pointing was now aimed at the Big Sister who seemed to be firing fireballs at the shack. Candy Cane soon stopped pointing as she saw yet another being able to cast magic of some kind. [color=ed1c24]"Damn it, what is it with these people all be superhuman or being able to do magic as if it is normal. What the hell is that thing anyway?"[/color] she said to herself primarily to herself but was also directed at Denys in some way. As she tried to figure out what the hell was going on and she had forgotten the armoured man was in the shack. Though even if she did not forget about him the soldier seemed to take fire as if it was nothing more than an annoyance at best. The redhead gripped her guitar as she felt somewhat tense over what she was seeing. [i]'Please don't be more than one of you strange metal beings? Please don't let them come over here and start something?'[/i] she thought to herself. [color=ed1c24]"What should we do Denys and do you have nay ideas of what that thing is?"[/color] she asked him. The punk was sure he would have no clue about the being but she had to at least ask just in case he did know for some reason. She did not want to do anything reckless or she would be fried like a piece of beef on a barbecue. She had no powers or special abilities which started to make her somewhat self-conscious about herself.