[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] Life can be fickle, so can LLA as we rack up another death count. Today, we lay to rest.... Yeah, like I was going to give you the roll results right off the bat. Yeah, keep reading..... [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f6989d]Zoie[/color] & [color=fff79a]Ryan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr][b][i]Location:[/i][/b] Courthouse Lock Up[hr][/center] Ryan looked over to Zoie and sighed somewhat as he paced around the small cell that was his home for now. He had just gotten out of a cage; well okay not just but within the last month but he figured it was better than being out there with Eden out there. He had spent a good majority of his life in lock up, bars were something he was more than accustomed to. He had spent the last while trying to get Zoie to understand what was going on and the southern belle did understand but it didn't mean that she trusted Ryan any further than she could throw him. She wasn't about to let him wander about her home, not with what she knew about him. [color=fff79a]"Come on Zoie, you know me. I never did a thing to hurt you, not once,"[/color] he said before rubbing his face with both his hands as he sat down on the cot that was in his little cell. Looking down at the ring of hair around his index finger he fiddled with it a bit before sighing deeply. [color=f6989d]"Yeah, I be knowin' that Irish but that don't mean I be trustin' ya. You were part of that place, willin'ly,"[/color] she countered with what had to be the dozenth time. They had been going back and forth for a while and it wasn't getting him anywhere. [color=fff79a]"It was that or be out there with them being on the wrong side of my back. What was I going to do?"[/color] he asked her as he looked back down at the blonde hair. [color=f6989d]"Leave, like I done did,"[/color] she stated flatly as she crossed her arms over her chest. Shaking her head she turned to leave, a guard posted outside of the door in case Ryan tried anything. [color=fff79a]"If I had, they would have been after both of us!"[/color] he growled without looking over at her. Turning Zoie glanced over her shoulder and perked a brow. [color=f6989d]"And what damn difference would it have made to ya? I just been a damn meat shield."[/color] Ryan looked over to her slowly, his eyes trailing over her as he tried to hold back a bit of a nervous smirk. [color=fff79a]"Then it have meant nothin' to get ya out,"[/color] he said before looking away. Zoie tilted her head to the side, a bit taken back by what he was insinuating. Turning she made her way out of the lock up and sighed as the door shut behind her. [color=f6989d][i]Meant nothing? What was he getting at?[/i][/color] she wondered to herself. It couldn't have meant anything, Ryan only cared about one thing. Him and him alone. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Astrid Hansen[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://images.tvfanatic.com/iu/s--8-B1APp7--/t_full/f_auto,fl_lossy,q_75/v1458094974/lagertha-vikings.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Infirmary [/center][hr] Astrid had taken a small break from studying and reorganized a few things that the doctor had been complaining about, wanting to stretch her legs a bit. She didn't want her legs to go totally numb sitting there studying all day, especially when she had a class to teach that afternoon in shield fighting. The movement around the infirmary, however small they were, was better than nothing and she was glad to have done it as she sat back down and pulled her chair up to the desk. Taking a small drink of water she set the glass down on the top of the desk before flipping her book back open. Leaning over and resting her head against the palm of the palm of her hand as she started studying, a pencil in her free hand as she jotted down note after note. It was funny, she had gone to school when she was younger but she had never studied half as hard back then as she did now. Everything now wasn't just to learn, it could mean the difference between life and death at one point. Sure she had the doctor to back her up and make sure that she didn't muck things up but she needed to know these things for herself and she took the job she was given as his second hand more seriously than anything she had ever done in her life. Hearing the door open to the infirmary she looked up from her studies and smiled a bit, a little crookedness to the smile as she leaned back in her seat. [color=fff79a]"Out looking for you. The outer wall I think, Zoie said you two had some repairs to do at the meeting this morning,"[/color] she said nonchalantly as the smile played on her lips. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://theblackox.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/fleshandbone11.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building F [/center][hr] Tatiana couldn't help but giggle as Jack spun her around, her arms lacing over his shoulders as she held herself close to him. It was like a dream. They were safe behind walls, high strong walls. There was food. They had a little home. It had to be one of the best day she could remember since this whole thing had begun. Leaning back some she smiled, something that had once been so rare but was becoming a more common thing since she had met Jack. [color=a187be]"Ve safe,"[/color] she said, feeling like she needed someone to pinch her to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Needing to hear the words again, even if only from her own lips. Taking a deep breath she coughed a bit. They were in a clean home now, the air was fresh, except for them. Laughing she pushed back and waved her hand in front of her face. [color=a187be]"Ve stink!"[/color] she said smiling and then pinching her nose playfully and making a gagging face. Turning she looked around and made her way quickly through [i]their home[/i], the smile on her features brightening as she found the bathroom and her eyes fell on the shower. More than that there was soap, towels, and several sets of scrubs they could change into. [color=a187be]"Jack! Clean clothes!"[/color] she exclaimed as she poked her head out. [color=a187be]"You first, go, go,"[/color] she said excitedly as she rushed back down the hallway towards him and grabbed her pack before motioning for him to go ahead. He had been the one moving a dead dear around that day anyways, he had more blood on him than she did. [hr][hr] Oh right, that whole death thing.... About that.... [@FantasyChic] The front door is jammed a bit but the back door if checked is unlocked. Instead there are no walkers or people, just a rotting corpse that stinks... There isn't much as far as supplies go but there is a water cooler and next to it is an unopened 20 gallon container of water. The corpse as a pack next to him by one of the stations, there are a couple of hiking water bags that are empty. They are a bit dirty but if you are careful, with the water present you should be able to clean them and fill them all up. Giving you a decent amount of water to carry around even though it will be heavy. [@Nallore] [@Jotunn Draugr] Walker inside and now there are several coming down the road and have taken note of you two. Might want to do something about that. It is either stay out there and see if even more show up and try to make a break for it; or take your chances inside with the single one. [@Charnobylisk] [@Morose] Maybe should have pulled the car to a full stop. As you are slowing down a tire blows; hard just as Lana is looking away from the road. The car goes out of control, cutting off the main road and onto the shoulder. It catches the tail end of an abandoned vehicle and rolls down into the ditch. Landing on the roof, you both are upside down now. Lana is battered pretty well, a nasty cut on her forehead but Édouard didn't get out so easy. The front passenger door is caved in and has pinned his leg down, he is bleeding badly from a gash on his arm thanks to broken glass. (Okay, so he isn't dead... but he might be soon if you two don't act quickly.)