[hider= A Machine for Pigs] [center][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/80a0/th/pre/f/2013/277/3/d/oswald_mandus__amnesia_a_machine_for_pigs__by_arisrus-d6p5b1v.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Oswald Mandus [b]Personality:[/b] Since absorbing a Mithraism Orb, Mandus is now a twisted, shrewd vessel that has only a fraction of what was originally Oswald Mandus. Shards of the former Mandus are still present as there can be moments of softness and charity but they are far outweighed by the man's usual power-hungry, fear-mongering outlook on life. It should also be noted that in many ways, Mandus believes his goals and motivations to be righteous as he deems himself as the only one to prevent an impending "apocalyptic event to ruin all". [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Mithraism Orb (Mental):[/b] Mandus has forcefully inducted an orb-like artifact and has successfully managed to absorb its power. The result of this merger was pure empowerment in both body and mind. If before you would count Mandus as one of the best innovative minds of the 19th century, now you could count him as the "smartest man who ever lived". His intellect far exceeds a regular human with him now being capable of studying and understanding many of the vast mysterious of this reality. He has a great sense for scientific innovation and a keen business acumen to design and implement projects. He even has the ability to make child-like intelligent lifeforms through various means. Most of his time is spent on manufacturing power-inducing machines or sentient beings to carry out his command. [b]Mithraism Orb (Physical):[/b] Not only has his intellect been increased tenfold but now he is physically beyond a human but not in ways you'd expect. He plays host to the Orb and as a result, his body is really a shell covering the true organic material that is hidden within Mandus. The Orb has replaced Oswald's internal body parts and substituted for a pink fleshy material that bears a heavy relation to the "Shadow" an guardian entity that protects the orb. This fleshy material is very durable and not only will protect Mandus from harsh damage, but also, could regenerate from severe damage. This fleshy material is also very caustic and dangerous for anyone to touch other than Mandus and can be weaponized if need be. [b]Infusion Vitae:[/b] Vitae is a liquid composure that is only produced by a human if under extreme duress from torture. It provides its host a natural boost of strength, speed, and resistance to the stress. Mandus has successfully replicated the earlier research that another Orb-enthusiast has done and possibly made the Vitae better by infusing it with his own alchemy tests. The Vitae is now coursing through Mandus and will provide him boosts in strength, speed, and tolerance to pain, though it is possible to use up his bodily supply and more will have to be added. [b]A Machine for Pigs: [/b]Mandus successfully built and elaborate machine to produce his sentient workforce in the late 19th century with his more limited resources. Now, Mandus has access to the Dark Outliners resources and has built plenty of machinery to manufacturer an army. Despite not being limited to just pigs anymore, Mandus has stuck with fusing human and pig together to form Manpigs as his work and security forces. All Manpigs are infused with Vitae to increase their performance in both work and battle. Manpigs can wield simpler weaponry and many variants can be made to have Tesla Coils for electricity attacks or explosives for suicide bombers. It should be noted that although Manpigs do adhere to all orders to the Orb and Mandus without question, they possess a child-like intelligence and are very simple-minded. [b]Equipment:[/b] At the present time, Mandus does not have anything beyond the Orb and his Machines. However, Mandus is more than likely capable of constructing equipment in order to deal with more situational problems if need be. EDIT: Mandus does possess a few other Orbs that can potentially be used in more complicated processes. One orb is currently dedicated his Machine while others can be used for all manner of things. [b]Origin:[/b] How do you react to a prophetic vision of a apocalyptic future? Do you fear the supposed inevitable but live on anyway? Do you cower until the implied reality is too much to bear and you kill yourself? No. There is always a method to avoid that, otherwise what is the point of prophesy. After seeing visions of a terrible future, Mandus has invested heavily into trying to prevent that future. Once the whole Multiverse was known to him, he used his foresight to locate his best chance at prevent that future and found that there was one common answer. The Dark Outliners. So Mandus submitted his resume and joined, working mostly in the background at first but with things becoming a little more active lately, stepped forward to take a more involved role. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O46KvOHTB18[/url] [/center][/hider] [hider=The Machine] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/amnesia/images/7/79/Mandus_co_meat.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130914122645[/img][/center] Mandus Co. on the surface appears as a giant meat processing plant with a large mansion nearby that functions as Oswald's home. These were all originally built to hide the true sinister purpose of what Mandus had been doing. Just underneath the surface of Mandus Co. is a vast industrial complex that processes man and swine in order to produce Oswald's Manpigs. The whole facility has been compared to an industrial themed maze and navigation is difficult unless escorted by Mandus or a Manpig. [hider=Blueprint][img]http://bearded-devil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Map_composite_aamfp.jpg[/img][/hider] Resources: With the Dark Outliners backing him, Mandus has unlimited access to the things he requires to produce his workforce and army. The abundance of pig, man, and basic chemicals has made mass production of Manpigs fairly simple and virtually endless. Other items such as the Vitae used in Manpig creation as well as a troop enhancement substance can be mass produced in order to accommodate a good portion of the Outliners. There is an Orb present at this facility but it was split in two when Mandus first acquired it. Despite that, he has been able to utilize the power of the Orb to allow his rapid production with his Machine. Notables Members/Troops: Manpigs are simple-minded beings that will follow Oswald's commands to the letter. They are fully obedient workforce and/or military force if required. Individually, Manpigs are capable of lifting and throwing 1000lbs on average, sprinting speeds at around 30 mphs when on all fours, and an extreme tolerance to pain as well as a high resistance to injury. This is due in large part to the Vitae compound, a super soldier formula if you will, that they are created with, and due to the fact their they were born from Vitae they do not need to inject the compound as their bodies will naturally produce it. They are capable of utilizing more primitive weapons, such as pikes and swords, but even bow and arrows might prove to complex for them. [center][img]http://d2oah9q9xdinv5.cloudfront.net/cache/images/members/3/2029/2028066/crop_640x360/EngineerConcept.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Unique variation of Manpigs exist and one such example is the Tesla variant. In a way, these are Oswald's elites as they require special production and his assistance. However, the Tesla Manpig is vastly superior to its more simple relatives in matters of combat. The Manpig is created with electricity coils fused into its flesh. These coils can electrocute anyone within proximity of the Telsa and will supercharge the Manpig's attacks with more power behind it along with an electrical flair. Due to the demand of the coils, the Manpig is also created using a more advanced Vitae formula, one of Oswald's personal improvements on the original compound. [center][img]http://d2oah9q9xdinv5.cloudfront.net/cache/images/members/3/2029/2028066/crop_640x360/TeslaConcept.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Other variations exist depending on how creative Oswald can be. Armored variants are adequate but they do not exist in a high number due to the added cost of armoring them. Suicide variants are another such variation and are strapped with explosives as disposable bombs, but again, not common unless required. [/hider]