[hider=Allison Harlan] [center] [h1][color=00aeef]Allison Harlan[/color][/h1] [hr] [IMG]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d32c9c47a140079a2b350dfaf26ddcf0/tumblr_o0t3rwwArz1swwx3co5_250.png[/IMG] [hr] I never cared if you riapped me apart. But why did you always tape me back up. [hr] [h3]Identity[/h3] [color=00aeef]|| NAME ||[/color] [indent] Allison Harlan, she likes to be called Allie. [/indent] [color=00aeef]|| GENDER ||[/color] [indent] Girl [/indent] [color=00aeef]|| AGE ||[/color] [indent] 14, nearing her birthday. [/indent] [color=00aeef]|| GRADE ||[/color] [indent]Ninth[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] [indent]Single currently.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color] [indent]Allie is a very femme girl who sits at about 5’6 and will almost always be seen wearing a dress of some kind. She likes to think of herself as very classy when most of the time, when she's not actually very ladylike at all. She just enjoys wearing dresses really. She has an affinity for makeup and takes pride in the fact that she's good at it. On her off days, she wears her oversized sweatshirt that reads "RAISE BOYS AND GIRLS THE SAME WAY" and usually nothing underneath, because on her off days she's in her bed browsing tumblr on her phone. [/indent] [hr] [h3]Personality[/h3] [IMG]http://67.media.tumblr.com/36c7db915aeb13ca46318f0cb6e39c73/tumblr_o0t3rwwArz1swwx3co1_250.png[/IMG] [color=00aeef]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent]Kind, Charitable Long fuse, huge explosion Rather shy, but can get out there.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color] [indent]Allie doesn’t have many friends in South Dakota, she moved there before the school year started but plans to make as many as she can as she’s shy, but very dependent on others. In a whole, Allie is not independent. On her own she just has trouble doing most things, However, she's also one to complain with group projects and such. She likes to say that she's a "walking irony." She's also rather goofy.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] [indent]● Dots her I’s with a heart. ● Writes with her left hand, but does everything else with her right hand. ● Chews at her nails absent-mindedly. [/indent] [color=00aeef]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] [indent]● Reading ● Debating with bigots on the internet ● Realizing they won’t listen ● Repeat ● Cloud Watching[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color] [indent]+ When people are more accepting + Her family, (her friends.) - Bigots - White Feminism[/indent] [hr] [h3]Family[/h3] [color=00aeef]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] [indent]Mother - Elizabeth Harlan - Waitress at a diner. Father - Todd Harlan - Deployed in Afghanistan - MIA[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]Small apartment shared with widowed mother, 2 bed 1 bath, and a small kitchen.[/indent] [color=00aeef]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]None currently.[/indent] [hr] [h3]Background[/h3] [color=00aeef]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] [indent]Allie used to live in a small town named North Port in Florida, but when her father was listed as MIA in the army, her mother had to move. It broke Allie and Elizabeth's heart to hear that he was potentially dead. Todd's hometown was Arrowsmith, so Elizabeth had them move there, thinking it would give them some closure. Allie was horrified to move somewhere else, she didn't want to move from all of her friends. She told her friends and asked if they would stay in touch, she knew they wouldn't. Elizabeth could hardly look at her daughter, because all she saw was Todd. Allie was a lot like Todd, down to the smallest mannerisms. He would always be biting his nails, and without anything to do, you'd look over and see her biting her nails. Elizabeth cried herself to sleep nearly every night, and Allie felt so heartbroken for her, not even just her, herself even. She lost her Daddy, and that hurt like nothing else. So they tried to comfort each other, as they didn't want to be sad all the time. They had to move on. [/indent] [color=00aeef]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nky4me4NP70] Tear in My Heart - twenty one pilots[/url] [sub]You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time, But that’s ok, I’ll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine, I’m driving here I sit, cursing my government, For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement.[/sub][/indent] [color=00aeef]|| OTHER ||[/color] [indent]Ahh, tell me if this is bad, don't sugar coat it.[/indent] [hr][/center] [/hider]