[@Savato][@Flamelord] First to arrive were the Dark Outliners. Strictly on time, as always. For how unruly their crew was, they seemed stunningly apt at keeping to a schedule. Draigo sighed at the antics of their head ghoul, the mutant scum known as Eto. It seemed that they had allowed their egos to go out of check, and Draigo resisted the urge to cut them down on the spot. He had listened to the audiologs and seen the camera footage, he knew full well what Eto was capable of in a fight. And while he did believe he could take her, now was not the time to test that theory. At least as long as she knew not to cross the line. "There is no need for the Emperor to attend events such as these. Creatures such as yourself are unworthy of his presence." He shot her a pointed glare, carrying some of the presence of his psychic powers. The mere force of the attention would be enough to cow most humans, although it was doubtful it would have much effect on the Ghoul. Second to arrive were the Goa'Uld. Not as powerful as the Alliance, not as cunning as the Outliners, and with three times the ego. These xenos had spent most of the war sitting on the sidelines, feeling superior. Like the Eldar, without the higher brain functions. Kaldor himself held them in nothing but contempt, a race that lacked the will to do battle but yet was shameless enough to belittle the superior human race. It was an atrocity. Again, he forced himself in line. The jaffa formed nothing more than canon fodder to him, and he had no doubt that he could tear them to shreds if he wished it. But the Imperium did not need a new war on it's hands. "Ba'al, you will keep your wife in check. This is a peace meeting, and insolence will not be tolerated. Should you fail to do so, this uncultured barbarian will personally be forced to rectify your xenos culture." The implications of the statement were only mildly genocidal. But Kaldor had wiped out species over less, and the Goa'Uld armies did not threaten him. The Alliance had yet to arrive, but undoubtedly their representatives would bring havoc, if they showed up at all. He might as well get this meeting underway before then. "Now that we have all gathered here, allow me to state the rules of this event. None of the representatives are to draw weapons. Use of abilities are allowed, so long as those abilities are not used in a harmful fashion. Threats will be allowed, but any attempt at carrying through on them during this meeting will be considered breaking the rules. This convene is an attempt to create peace and prosperity. Should you be unable to respect the simple requirements of this convene, then it will be ruled that your faction isn't worth the effort of talking to. Such a faction will be nothing more than a threat to a potential peaceful solution, and will be eradicated before the next meeting commences." The statement was made with certainty, in an almost matter-of-fact fashion. Regardless of how the other factions fashioned their odds against the Imperium, they would know in that instant that Kaldor knew, with absolute certainty, that the Imperium would eradicate any and all challengers. And his confidence was not without reason. "Now, allow us to begin. Sir Arus?" The diplomat known as Malden Arus stood from his seat, smiling nervously. He was but a normal human in a room of superhumans and monsters, something that quite rightly terrified him. However, he was a diplomat, and when he spoke he did not allow his personal anxiety to change the confidence of his voice. "The first order of business is borders and lands. Each of the factions besides the Outliners has already laid claim to a certain amount of land, and the borders of each nation must be firmly established. Furthermore, the Imperium at least is interested in expanding it's borders, and integrating new lands into the Imperium. If other factions share similar interests, the remaining lands will need to be divided according to resources, location, and size." The diplomat rolled a large map onto the table, containing information on where large settlements were located. Most cities of the new world were nestled in the ruins of the old world, although there were some exceptions. Sweden was crossed out, as the location had become uninhabitable.