Mortainius Mortainius was quite pleased with himself, ordering to bomb his enemies to oblivion. And it was working all fine and dandy until that mech started shooting them and they started dropping like flies. "Curses!" Exclaimed Mortainius. "We'll just have to do a land assault then! Alright all minions! Prepare to-" it was at that moment giant kunai started raining down on them, decimating the preliminary force. He then saw one coming right towards him! Mortainius immediately used his Rainbow Rod's Red Ray to shoot down the middle of the kunai, melting it in half just before impact, the two halves just narrowly missing his tank. "Ok! Now THAT is just crossing the line! All minions! Prepare an all-out assault! Make the destruction of that damn mech your top priority!" "B-but sir!" His lieutenant chimed in. "That mech just decimated a huge chunk of our armored forces in just a single blow! What possible chance do we have against that kind of thing!?" Mortainius, undeterred, responded: "Do not worry my faithful lieutenant! I myself will personally lead the charge! No one crosses the Magnificent Major Mortainius without being punished properly! And with me at the helm, victory shall be assured! Besides, he's has to run out of giant knives eventually." Mortainius strode his tank into position at the very front of his regiment, with the remainder of his tank and armor battalions behind him and the bulk of his infantry behind them. He shouted into his megaphone. "All right minions of the Alliance! We will show those Imperial douchbags whose boss! Let nothing stand in your way! CHARGE!" The entire regiment was barreling straight towards the city, an all-out attack on the mech's front.