[h1][center][color=gray]Keith[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Everyone was finally here. Keith would look around, and see just who it was he was dealing with. Over to one side, he saw the outliners, led by Eto at the moment. He wasn't surprised that the Ethereal hadn't shown up, it was probably for the same reason Cyano had decided to send Keith in her place. To the other side, he saw the Goa'uld, and another person, a representative of the Imperium. Both of them looked quite powerful, and their ego was on full display. But, that was enough spying around. It was about time that Keith made his presence known. Out of a corner, in clear view of all those around, he would step out of the shadows. Behind him three others would follow, including an incredibly large man, wearing a blood red suit of armor. And, perhaps someone that Eto would recognize, given that she had seen him before. Keith would take his seat wordlessly, giving a small nod to acknowledge that he had indeed heard the terms and agreed to them. After all, none of the people with him were carrying any weapons. Not that they needed them, but still. A small part of him tensed up as the one in red armor made his way across. He was waiting for some kind of outburst, but, fortunately none came. Most everyone would take their seat with no problem, and no doubt the meeting would continue. Keith would pull out a small clipboard with a sheet of paper on it. Terms Cyano had wanted discussed. They weren't anything too major, typical stuff. And, should he be called upon, he would bring them up. For now though he would wait. They didn't need to be brought up immediately after all. Keith would glance back over to the shadows he had walked out of for a moment, before looking over at the red armored man, Agonious. While many of the people here did seem rather powerful, Keith was confident that if things got out of hand, that at the very least him and his would turn out fine. After all, he had brought an insurance policy along with him. Raising his hand, he would gesture for Agonious to come closer. He wanted the man to be close to him, in case hostilities broke out.