((Post made in collaboration with Wizardguy.)) The hoverboat shot through the streets, guns blazing as they mowed down anyone within sight. The land crews would recruit those that remained to their cause, but the fast-moving weapons platform had a more military goal. They would break down all heavy defences, and prevent a large group of enemies from rallying together. As long as the inhabitants were scattered and isolated, they would be easy to conquer, but a combined effort could make this city suddenly a very hard nut to crack. In order to ensure this didn't occur, the hoverboat was tasked with capturing several important strategic locations, first of which was a large guntower located to the east of the city. As they arrived people were scrambling to get inside, and the dual laser gattling gun made short work of them. Instantly the doors opened, and a wide variety of men and women (and beings of indeterminable gender) rushed out, weapons at the ready, including a confused but unquestioning Arnold Schwarzenegger. Last to step out was the mighty form of Fluffles, Destroyer of Worlds. A sleek steel frame covered in armoured ceramite plates made for a mighty war machine. One of it's hands contained a special trans-dimensional warp device, which was used to summon circular sawblades from the vast emptyness of the multiverse and launch them at enemies. Placed delicately on top of the 2-meter death machine was a small come constructed from bulletproof glass and hardened with diamond fibers. Within sat the true body of Fluffles, a small white kitten with a wide grin, as it fired a round of sawblades into a nearby giant slug monster. It's other hand moved to rip off the bumper plate of a car, which it used as a shield. It was tasked with guarding the hoverboat, which it did with pleasure. "........Hello there." A voice would ring out, from under Fluffles' feet, as the face of Ozo would appear, rising out of the ground like it was water. No doubt, the giant squid esque creature may shock the fluffiest of destroyers, but what he did next would be really either annoying, or terrifying. Opening his mouth, he begins to devour the mech from the bottom, up, his huge tongue reaching out, and wrapping around the mech, aiming to slow it, and prevent the Kitten Katastrophy from using his weapons of doom to turn Ozo into sushi. The tongue, and the thick saliva both doing their part to slow the cuddly crusader of evil. Looking down, Fluffles took a moment to realize that his weapon of world domination was being eaten by what appeared to be the bastard child of a squid and a giant frog. Yeowling, he pulled at the controls of his mech suit, as a large sawblade appeared on his right arm. The tongue kept it stuck to his body with surprising strength, but slowly the mech suit's superior pysical strength began to make a difference. With a ripping sound, the sawblade sliced through the thick tongue, as the mech moved to jump back. Unfortunately, with everything below the knees now stuck in the horrific squid-frog's mouth, this ended up sending Fluffles tumbling onto his back, covered in thick transparent goo. "Curse you, frog-man! You will rue the day that you faced FLUFFELS! The DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!" With this statement of magnificence, Fluffles began wildfiring sawblades in the general direction of his legs, unable to actually look down due to the bulky construction of his armoured body. "I'll hit you eventually! You hear me you fat bastard!" Meanwhile the blades tore through pretty much anything in the general vicinity, causing those who had previously been staring, dumbstruck by the absurdity of this fierce battle, to rapidly evacuate the scene. Seeing the fluffiest of villains begin their counter attack, Ozo knew he had to move, or be turned into fugu. Biting down on the mech's ankles, which by now would of been reduced to little more than metalic goo by his stomach's digestive might, Ozo vanished into the floor once again. Somewhere, someone began to play the Jaws theme, as Fluffles no doubt knew the fish had moved by the splashing sound he had made, although one bit of his mustache was severed by a sawblade, some blood spurting from the wound. "Oi, you know how hard it is to grow that?" Ozo asks, from pretty much just under the floor, the weak barrier between there, and the great river allowing his voice to pass though. "I'll grow your FACE OFF!" not the greatest of comebacks, perhaps, but at this point an unholy rage coursed through the tiny kitten's veins. Realizing that it's feet had been destroyed it fought it's way to it's feet, using it's left arm for balance as it aimed the sawblade canon towards the ground. "Eat THIS!" With a triumphant meow, Fluffles launched a barrage of sawblades into the ground, certain he was about to vanquish his foe. Letting out a surprised yelp, Ozo darted around as sawblades rained down from above, his mobility in the water better than what it was on land, but not great enough to avoid all the blades, one cutting into his side, a nasty wound appearing...but this gave Ozo an idea. Taking his hat, he gently rubbed it on his wound, before sending it floating up, the bloodied hat appearing though the floor. While he expected the fluffy fool to gloat over his victory, Ozo used his tongue to grab one of the blades fired, holding it as he began to spin around, and around with it, building up momentum as he did. Soon, he launched the blade, aiming to cleave off the saw arm in a single surprise attack, eliminating his greatest fear, that of trying to eat the mech, and getting torn open from the inside by a saw. As the bloodied hat appears on the floor, Flufflels loudly declared his victory. If it hadn't been for the current melt-y condition of his feet, he would have danced the dance of joy. However, his joy was short-lived, and in his triumph he had let down his guard. One of his own sawblades shot out from the ground, and slammed into his arm. He yelped, as the force of impact caused him to lose balance, the blade stuck in the transdimensional sawblade summoning device. Sparks of energy and crackles of electricity lit up the arm as Fluffles began screaming at the top of it's teeny tiny lungs. Sawblades shot out at incredible high speed, launching in every direction as the recoil sent the mech suit stumbling and falling. Brown and blue, rusty and diamond-edged, sawblades of all shapes, sizes and colours rained down on the small area, ripping through walls and the ground alike. Fluffles had, of course, completely lost control of the situation, and the sawblade-vortex was about to reach critical sawblade mass. In short, it was going to explode. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" Ozo yelps, as once again, he had to dance the dance of death, with sawblades still raining down. He watched as the sawblade device was about to pull a chiaotzu, and explode. Knowing that if he kept this open for much longer, he risked being shredded like a guitar rift, so he for a moment shut his porta, covering his ears, the barrier between the river and the normal world still thin, but not thin enough to allow matter though anymore. The downside, Ozo could no longer see what was going on, only hear, and this left him blind to what would be left once he opened the portal again, but he figured this was better than sawblade nukes, so he went with this route. With a loud bang, the device went off, sawblades launching themselves all over the place. The mech itself was shredded, although the sturdier armoured dome on top was able to survive the explosion. it was launched off of the Mech, and many annoyed cat sounds could be heard as it bounced off of the pavement. Slowly it clambered out of the device, a stray sawblade landing near it's feet, and it drew itself up to it's full (albeit unimpressive) height. "Hear this, Frog-Squid! I have a very specific skillset! And I will find you! And I WILL kill you!" With these words of everlasting vengenace, he activates a tiny jetpack, launching off into the sky as he cackles manically. Opening the barrier once he had heard the words of his new nemesis, Ozo emerged, looking around at the carnage his fight had wrought. Ozo was impressed, shocked, and slighty disgusted, disgusted due to how the sawblades most likely caught a few other creatures in the crossfire, or at least, shredded the slug monster who Fluffles had killed before he arrived. Looking at his fluffy foe as he escaped, Ozo let out a hearty laugh, before cringing, the laugh irritating the wound on his side. "You today, tiny fluffy thing, have been bested by Ozo the Great! Protector of the weak! Punisher of evil!" The squid-frog declares, before looking at the mangled remains of the mech, before looking around to see if anyone else was near by. Seeing no one was, as the saw-nuke-splosion had scared them off, Ozo picks up the remains of the mech, and devours them, before letting out a loud, echoing belch that could be heard for miles around. "Ooh. The power source added a bit of spice...." Ozo says, before his skin shifts from orange, to a metalic grey, his eyes switching from pale white, to a dark red. Ozo's right hand shifts, turning into a sawblade launcher. Ozo had aquired a new form, Ozo 5000. "Huh...interesting." Ozo exclaims, before, for the fun of it, firing a sawblade, which bounces off of the guard tower, and into the wreckage of the boat, making it explode, again. "......I wanted to use that....." Ozo says, face palming with his left hand.