Alright, next round of CS reviews is incoming! [@The Grey Dust] Zhystkrexas, Lord of the Jaria. I am blown away, dude. The level of detail and the quality of the work here is really incredible. I have no real notes or problems, so just as soon as the contact with Kil'Threx is added, I'm happy to say that He Who Hungers is accepted. [@Username] Khata Nyarlith, the Faceless One. Once again, well done - cool character with a well-written sheet. Accepted. Get in there and grant us some eyes. [@KoL] Iona, Ahwaan's Ash. Call me a broken record, cus this is also a very well done sheet with little to complain about - I appreciate how she fits in with the established story of Kil'threx, and I think she'll be a [i]very[/i] interesting character as a result. Her more merciful ways are also interesting - I'm looking forward to seeing how she deals with the more sadistic/barbaric Harbingers. Can't accept it yet because there's still the matter of how Kil'threx contacted her, which should be neat to see, but once you add that you're good. Well done to everyone! Now that our roster is starting to fill out, I should mention that you should all feel free to PM each other and talk and discuss how or if any of these villains have met each other before, what they think of each other, and so forth. I also intend to make a 'Locations' section in the main page for all the places and stuff that are created, so if you guys wanna write anything to go in there, be my guest. Oh, and editing the old one will be fine, [@MauveMarauder].