[@TheWizardLizard] I have actually included a slight reference to Kil’threx in the Elder's reprise. The elder is telling the story to the emissary of Kil'threx who seeks audience with Zhystkrexas. I'd imagine Kil'threx and Zhystkrexas may have some history together, thus I have staved off a direct interaction between both as they would seem to naturally work together. One embodies evil, the other embodies hunger. One is a creation of morality, the other of nature. But each feeds into the other as I see it. Hunger in itself is natural, but to go beyond desire into gluttony? Perhaps it was Kil'threx that had corrupted Zhystkrexas. And perhaps Zhystkrexas which has corrupted Kil'threx in turn to desire the pure destruction of the world. That being said, until we explore the possible connection between Evil and the demon that breeds it, I would prefer to leave a direct interaction between Kil'threx and Zhystkrexas at the table if it is alright with you. Since after all Zhystkrexas is less of a god and more of a demon. Maybe rumored to be one of the first creations of Kil'threx or an entity that had aligned itself with Kil'threx long ago. Although in all honesty I'm imaging them as primordials in a cosmic bar that get drinks together every now and then to discuss old times. Neither quite sure who came first, Evil or Hunger. I would also posit that Trenton Baker would also have some connection with Zhystkrexas given both use souls as a source of power. Perhaps the good captain cares to raid Zhystkrexas' vault, and the Demon would love to capture Baker's soul and end his curious case of unlife. Else they can be on good terms and trade souls like collectable trading cards (as a bit of black comedy). I imagine they live/unlive in rather opposite geographies. And strange coincidence, I used to roleplay with a Ex-Ex-pirate-Ex-ex-Necromancer (an undead pirate who was a necromancer prior to taking up a life of piracy but has since returned to being a necromancer after raising himself from the dead). Rather fun chap to play as, he stored the souls of the dead in bottles of rum littered about his captain's quarters, and had the penchant to drink his spirits. Supposedly his phylactery is held by his own resurrected left hand which holds a bottle of rum so foul as his soul manifests in it. And said hand and bottle is implanted into the flesh of some terrible sea creature, rendering him nigh immortal as they would have to first find the sea creature, kill it, retrieve the phylactery, destroy it and his hand, then destroy him.