[center][h1][color=#318CE7]Campanella[/color][/h1] [img]https://65.media.tumblr.com/09cf737d740a7f63d65609acb5083f06/tumblr_ng2nwflYzT1qkdofgo3_1280.jpg[/img] Interacting with: [@Morose], [@sMoKe], [@BlueSky44] [/center] So, a life really could disappear in the blink of an eye. Well, surely Elouviana's IRL body was twisting, turning, and toiling in her bed as her brain matter was microwaved to slush, leaving a crippled vestige of what was a human being. Her scream permeated the mollifying atmosphere of the nighttime forest, drowning out the chirps and other hymns of critters. It rattled him more than he had anticipated even though he had already accepted this was a death game. He found his eyes locked on her evanescent form as he evaporated into a shower of bright polygons. In all honesty, he would have rather watched her body burst and expel actual blood. At least that would feel surreal. What he saw failed to do death any honor. Campanella probably wouldn't have budged for a few minutes longer, had it not been for the recent appearance of more, ground-bound assailants. Way to rub the salt into the wound. They may have been good friends, Elouviana and him. Watching her death wasn't numbing, nor was it infuriating. It just felt like an affirmation to the earlier announcement made by the GM, to set it in stone. Stone and Starkette had already shifted into action. They too were unable to remain unfazed by the group's recent loss. A pang of visible sorrow was etched deep into the latter's countenance. Yet they too knew that idly waiting in apathy would only bring them to a fate similar to Elouviana's. The same theorem applied to Campanella too. He still had to fight, in memory of the cat girl and the many that were sure to follow. Blade met tusks when Campanella engaged a boar on his own. The realization that he had nobody to switch with was unable to impede his movements. If anything, it only made the swordsman fight harder, more fluently, his being undeniably invigorated. As if something had superseded his distant and indifferent demeanor. The player forced the boar's head to the side with his blade, shoving the beast's sharpened tusks off to the side. Without a moment to lose, he performed the [i]Pre-Motion[/i] for [i]Slant[/i] and angled the weapon so that the ability would lead it across the enraged hog's face. The boar let out a cry and reeled back onto its hinds after the sword's edge dragged a vermilion line over one of its eyes and the entirety of its forehead. With his opponent now disgruntled, Campanella brought his figure around to the mob's side and sliced upwards to cut through his intended target. A CRIT area, more specifically, the beast's jugular. He leaped back as it attempted to fling its tusks into the player's side, but was easily evaded. Its movements had become sluggish due to the damage inflicted on it. Campanella felt an ounce of reassurance when a debuff appeared under the mob's health bar. [i]BLEEDING[/i]. It was losing health over time, but relying on to whittle down the remainder of the boar's life force would be naive. With his blade at the ready, Campanella delve into combat once more. Hopefully his comrades were have just as fruitful engagements.