[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] Smiling at Ssarak's quick kiss, the two went to the dinning hall. Meirin's meal were, as usual, fairly plain. Fried eggs and oat meal, with a cup of water. It was an unconscious choice on her part: she was just used to simple meals and doesn't go out of her way to look for anything more extravagant. She was still getting used to all the luxuries the college provided. Eating her meal quietly she sat a bit away from Ssarak, not out of any sort of discomfort, but she liked to keep her space. While she loved the eysire, she still had some conflicting feelings about their relationship. It just seemed so... Odd to her. Not just the fact he was an eysire, but romance in general. She felt very affectionate for him, but this wasn't something she wanted others to know. She couldn't put her finger on why, but in a way she wanted to keep Ssarak to herself. Meirin worried that if she was too open with it, it might attract the attention of others who would want to take Ssarak away from her. It was ridiculous, but that was just how Meirin felt. Even if no one has ever shown signs of being attracted to Ssarak like that, Meirin couldn't help but feel preemptively jealous. Finishing her meal quickly Meirin looked to Ssarak when he asked who they should look for to participate in the mission. [color=00a651]"Honestly? I'm not entirely sure. I mean... Djarkel is my home, or at least where my home is, so I want to make sure it's safe. With your magic and personality, you seem like the right fit for a mission like this. But as for others I don't know. Obviously we need people who can keep a level head, but we should bring people with... Hmm... Colorful personalities."[/color] Meirin said as she finished off her water. As much as she doesn't want hot-headed people coming along, since this was a diplomatic mission it was important that they leave an impression. Simply staying out of trouble would not endear them to the important people in Djarkel. Peasants stay out of trouble, diplomats make memories. Hopefully good ones. [color=00a651]"People who can be passionate without being furious, who can use their emotions instead of letting their emotions use them. You know, interesting and exotic people like you. Students local to Djarkel would help too. It's unfortunate, but racism is common in Djarkel. If we come with students native to Djarkel it might make the more xenophobic members more willing to talk to us, or at least to them. And lastly, since we are representing the college, we should have someone who's magic talents differ from our own. I'm sure at some point people would want to see us show the fruits of our labor. While I may not be a performer, I'm confident in my abilities."[/color]