I hope this bloke is reasonable, Marquis Lucien Dowling. [hider=Marquis Lucien Dowling] Name: Lucien Gerald Dowling Title: The Marquis (His formal title), The Executioner of Erast, The Slaughterer of Stratham, the Butcher of Bleakburn and the Plague of Pitmerden. Three-word description: The Corrupt Marquess Appearance: The Picture: [img]http://hoocher.com/Paul_Delaroche/comte_portrait_head.jpg[/img] The Marquis here is a man who would best be summed up as the physical representation of the word grounded, he often looks confident and sure of his step when he's walking, he is quite unmistakable because his general attitude is confident and bold to some extent, he is unscathed from his life of encounters and conflicts during his life which is quite incredible, and he looks every bit his 65 years. His build isn't too special really, he's reasonably thin and 1.82 metres high, his normal set of clothes are pictured on someone else below and the picture of him is normally what he wears inside; two dressing gowns on a white pair of trousers and a white shirt, or just a normal pair of trousers and another white shirt, he basically dresses plainly if he is inside Bleakburn castle or any other properties he owns for a while. [hider=His outdoor clothes] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/da/15/da/da15da682fff8a00d08b5583dff0a472.jpg[/img] Or [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c5/09/5b/c5095b4a068f50eea3d323add9612d5e.jpg[/img] [/hider] What do you look like? 1-3 paragraphs. Feel free to use a picture, but even if you do, please provide a written description as well. Magic/Skills/Abilities: The Marquis is masterful with almost anything with a blade on it, from a sharpened needle to a greatsword the Marquis will perform admirably with the weapon. He is also a reasonably sneaky man, he could hide decently in a crowd, or hide well enough behind a curtain. Inventory/Holdings: The Marquis here is most powerful with his holdings, not with his individual powers like others, here is a list of the lands he controls: He rules over Erast, Stratham, Bleakburn, Pitmerden and his his home county of Linesteel. Erast is an island of farmland off to the West of the central continent, the island was once owned by a pirate lord of some sort the Marquis is torturing to this day, nothing much has changed on the island except for the fact that the farmers have better tools and the Marquis' men owns the island. One of the many farming hamlets on Erast. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/85/74/c9/8574c9b4a23a4fa104d07224c219d3c6.jpg[/img] Old Stratham was once a populous city of crime and filth under the control of multiple united bandit groups, the said union managed to annex the coastal city, it's freedom from Melaron lasted for a weekend before the Marquis supposedly volunteered to retake it for Melaron and for his uncle, King Dowling. Nowadays the land the city was once on is home to a different city the Marquis rebuilt after he burnt the old one down to defeat the force owning it which is called New Stratham... The Marquis claims that the bandits killed the majority of their hostages, and in righteous vengeance the Marquis personally started burning the graveyard. For some odd reason the bandits didn't realize there was an ocean behind them. New Stratham [img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/424/424677-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Bleakburn was a large castle surrounded by a town belonging to a barbarian of some sort way off to the north, the Marquis being the good man he is volunteered to defeat the barbarian bloke and take the castle, which is what the Marquis did for the reason that there was an old armoury of supposedly rare and magical weaponry in the castle's hidden armoury. Nowadays the Marquis lives in the castle and the interesting old weaponry is nicely displayed in the castle, and his favorite trophies are in the armoury. The village only exists as the castle's surplus arrows as well. Bleakburn Castle [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/07/32/52/0732522c43d0be6c1b41ed790286524b.jpg[/img] Pitmerden is a dwarven fortress the Marquis conquered after it launched an attack on city of Melaron for political reasons, the Marquis now uses the dwarves within as slave labour to mine out everything he can plunder, the location of the fortress is something of a secret kept by the Marquis and his soldiers, all most people know is that it's somewhere east of Bleakburn. There are multiple luxuries and bladed weapons the Marquis owns, as well as a completely normal suit of armour and a large amount of Melaron's currency because of his relationship to the king and his deeds done to Melaron. The Marquis is also in benevolent command of many workers and soldiers, he does rule multiple areas after all. Myth: The Plague of Pitmerden is probably the most notorious tale of the Marquis the dwarves know and the most recent to date, a proud and fierce dwarven line was wiped out in one attack, one cruel and cold assault that led to the capture and enslavement of over five thousand dwarven warriors and miners by eight hundred and one men. The numbers aren't too accurate unfortunately but the dwarves did heavily outnumber the Plague and the numbers didn't stop it surging through. One figure took on a good number of dwarves on the way to the head of the line's chambers... The figure survived that chamber catastrophe. Bleakburn was documented a little more publicly then Pitmerden. The Marquis himself managed to challenge the ruler of the barbarians inhabiting the castle. In the throne room of the castle the two men fought for what was supposedly five hours with one break. Again the Marquis came out alive to see his soldiers parading towards the castle, it managed to scare the barbarians enough to make them flee very quickly, the documentation wasn't as detailed because an illiterate barbarian was documenting the event. Stratham was the Marquis' first victory, he was a youthful baron at the time and was promised the title of Viscount if he was to recover the land Stratham was on, which after a week-long siege and a horrific fire was what Lucien managed to accomplish, the siege wasn't documented too well because the writers were caught inside the city during the fire, and they died horribly. Erast, oh Erast was terrifying, the Marquis decided to use a powerful magical weapon he was granted during the invasion, the said weapon caused horrific events, from soldiers burning from the inside alive to the children being eaten by the ground temporarily the island became a horror story come alive, once the Marquis actually arrived after breaking the weapon the Pirate leader surrendered immediately with an eyeball falling out... The documentations about the event are more detailed. Personality: The Marquis is surprisingly a kind man to his employees, he puts a lot of effort into ensuring they are safe most of the time and that they're comfortable, the Marquis' castle is the home to the Marquis' best workers no matter who they are which is the Marquis' way of encouraging his beloved workers to work as well as they can with the level of luxury the Marquis is at, which is something that the majority of his employers are surprised when they are first employed. He treats others reasonably well if they are just other people who aren't a friend or a foe and just an ordinary person, they deserve relative kindness. The Marquis puts a lot of effort into hiding some of his more horrible deeds from as many people as he can, Lucien wants to keep the public image of a man who is a good and noble kinsman of the King himself, and he does promote every good deed he can to improve the image's authenticity. He hates any idea that he is evil from most people. [hider=The Sample post in a hider as requested.] Within a beautiful lounge with luxurious furniture from armchairs with rare wooden frames to gorgeous tapestry complimenting the reasonably large room a young and fit gentleman is looking on to a seemingly bottomless cliff face on a balcony adorning the mildly imposing room, the serenity of the lounging room is interrupted with a door opening, and a greying old man entering the surprisingly warm room with a hidden dagger. "Allow me to guess good uncle the news is good?" The young man queries while picking up a goblet filled with some form of Amontillado. [b]"Dwarves shall not be bothering us for a long time now good cousin."[/b] the old man in two dressing gowns and white clothes responds as he picks up an apple from a fruit bowl on a side table beside an armchair. "I am glad to hear you have saved this beautiful landscape dear uncle, that is what we all fight to protect and preserve, the dwarves would have threatened it's continued survival." The young cousin of the Marquis declares, the stated view is seen in it's beauty by the Marquis as he edges ever closer to the view of a wide field standing in front of a castle surrounded by a city in midnight's glare. A grunt reveals the seconds for the Marquis' cousin close down on the unfortunate soul. [b]"My boy, you do not send me off on errands!"[/b] The Marquis violently hollers as he struggles for a moment with taking the ornate dagger from it's lively sheath, and with a kick the cousin flies over the balcony railing to a fatal fall, as insurance in case stabbing a relative in the back wouldn't do, as the doomed individual fall to their demise the uncle of the eventually late cousin gleefully watches, drinking from the goblet he managed to preserve from spilling. [b]"Hope something gets a nice meal out of him... then again his corpse would be feeding the vegetation, it'd be more then he ever gave in his life."[/b] The Marquis speaks aloud before he finishes off the goblet of amontillado and absconds from the scene. After around an old man spots a haggard old man in a dense black fog. [b]"Are you lost my fellow subject? This fog is insidious isn't it?"[/b] Lucien questions as he slows his stolen horse down to talk with the man in the fog. "He seeks you sire, he seeks his most faithful." A ghostly whisper of an old man claims, yet the man in the fog doesn't move his mouth. [b]"What Bobbob the second? I'm not a Bob Cobbler! That's my brother Marvin!"[/b] Lucien states in confusion, thinking that the foggy man mistook him for his insane brother Viscount Marvin. "I speak not of the afflicted, I am a prophet of Kil'threx, God of Evil. You are one of the faithful. He seeks you across the seas to his first beauty my lord, he awaits Marquis Dowling at the birth of evil." The old man of the fog splutters before he collapses, fading away into red dust. [b]"The birth of evil? His first creation is the birth of evil? An old table with magic around it is considered beauty? Depends on the woodwork really."[/b] Lucien recalls aloud before riding off to New Stratham, and from there to Bleakburn. [/hider] [/hider]