[@Stern Algorithm]Could you add the extra information listed below? The cool down just says how long you have until you can use the ability again. Just remember that these abilities specifically are only for the Field of Justice. When you are fighting in Valoran (or any thread that isn't the Field of Justice), then the rules on these abilities don't apply. All fighting will be free form. [hr] [b]Mark of the Kindred[/b] [u]Add[/u]: When a monster is marked by Wolf, all enemy champions are alerted to the monster that was marked. [b]Dance of Arrows[/b] [u]Add[/u]: Dance of Arrows grants Kindred the ability to avoid the ability of an enemy champion. She can also use this ability to scale walls that would otherwise be too tall for most champions. Cool Down: 1 turn. [b]Wolf's Frenzy[/b] [u]Add[/u]: For every two turns that Lamb moves about the map, she will max out her stacks, granting her one opportunity to heal herself from one injury/affliction the next time she attacks a minion or enemy champion. [u]Add[/u]: The duration of Wolf's Frenzy when activated is two turns or until Lamb exists Wolf's field. Cool Down: 1 turn. [b]Mounting Dread[/b] [u]Add[/u]: Cool Down: 1 turn. [b]Lamb's Respite[/b] [u]Add[/u]: Lamb's Respite will heal up to two afflictions on a unit. [u]Add[/u]: Lamb's Respite duration is 1 turn. [u]Add[/u]: Cool Down: 3 turns.