“I’ve survived mustard gas attacks. Silas’ snowballs are a more terrifying encounter.” Shay chuckled as they breached upon the topic, reaching for his pack of cigarettes in his blazer pocket. When Sam explained that Leonard had been addressed, a sense of smug satisfaction filled the Irishman. It felt like vindication when the racist old bastards found out the hard way that Shay had exactly the kind of friends he didn’t want to meet. You could never be too sure in these uncertain years who was associated with who. “I be sure to give Kirby and the lads my regards and gratitude. Old man Leonard was a miserable old crab… but, resignation?” He asked, surprised, looking between Sam and Vera. The news hit like a load of bricks, and the effect was not a good one with Vera. Things began to make more sense as Sam explained the Adders’ recent actions, and how badly they had it out for Vera. The marksman side of Shay wanted to volunteer to “clean up” the streets at night, sending one hot round after another into unsuspecting marks more deserving of death than the Kaiser’s lads ever deserved. The man that precious few people really got to know wanted nothing more than to take Vera and get the hell out of town, wanting to keep her far from harm. His fist clenched around his lighter before he realized he was acting uncharacteristically tense around Sam at the news. Normally, he’d remain unmoved and pragmatic. He finished the motion, lighting his cigarette and nodding once when Sam thanked Shay for his involvement in keeping her safe already. “Miss Vera and I work pretty well together,” Shay put in after Sam spoke of future work. “We’ll be sure to act only when the lions leave their dens to go on the hunt, so to speak. If the Von Goethes aren’t home, we’ll be in and out before they realize they’d been burgled.” It was strange using that word, but it had an amusing ring to it that Shay enjoyed. Looking over to Vera, seeing how seething she was, he didn’t want to overstep himself. It was an odd power struggle between the two siblings he didn’t want to interrupt. “My schedule’s clear. My charge in keeping watch over miss Vera has been my only concern, apart from pretending to be dapper to rob a pair of Jerry snobs blind.” He smiled. Sam nodded quickly, although he seemed distracted and like he had a thousand things on his mind. Between his sister’s life being in peril and all the other things going on with the gang, Sam looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “And I appreciate that Mick, I really do. I think you’ll like the new flat, Vera.” He said, taking a long sip of the gin he had in front of him. It was accompanied by two empty glasses. This felt like a cue to leave. “So, miss Vera, shall we go see if your new accommodations are acceptable?”