[@The Grey Dust] So you did. In hindsight, I probably should have specified a specific place to include the contact with Kil'threx - I feel like I keep missing it because I don't know where to expect it. And I'm inclined to agree with your notions about Zhystkrexas and Kil'threx; Zhyst is probably just as old as Kil'threx, though not as powerful, and I imagine his role as Harbinger will be less 'servant' and more, like, 'independent contractor'. I don't hate the idea that maybe Kil'threx's influence long, long ago had some role in Zhystkrexas becoming as dark as he is now, but that's of course up to you. In any case, you're good to post him in the characters tab. And I think there's definitely room for Zhystkrexas and Trenton to be acquainted, especially because Trenton is well familiar with hedonism and hunger. They could have met once or twice, perhaps when Trenton made a trip to I'Zhystana - it certainly seems like the kind of place that he'd want to at least visit, even though he doesn't usually stray too far from the ocean. In that case he'd almost certainly have heard of Zhystkrexas and had an audience with him. It's just a thought - I'll let you read Trenton's full CS and get back to me, but I imagine they would have parted ways rather quickly when they realized that they had very little to gain from each other (as what remains of Trenton's soul is probably way too warped and twisted to be of any use to Zhystrexas, or maybe that would make him even more interested? Up to you). [@Orlan][@MauveMarauder][@Zendrelax] Imma read these tonight and hopefully get back to you tonight, but if not I will tomorrow. We're nearing our eight character limit, and while so many of you are doing really good work, I don't think I'm gonna stretch that any further so that the RP doesn't get too ponderous and bloated. I really do appreciate all the interest and all the creativity that y'all are putting in, whether or not you get one of the three slots remaining.