[hr][hr] [h2][center][color=2e3192]Jace[/color] and [color=a187be]Janelle[/color][/center][/h2] [hr][hr]Location: Floor 1 Interacting With:[@Jedly][@Morose][@sMoKe] Janelle was startled by the sudden appearance of the monster, there was one thing she wouldn't forget though. Elouviana started to disappear, she was screaming, causing Janelle to cover her ears, but it was soon over. The girl with cat ears was gone. Janelle stumbled backwards, shivering a little at the world they were trapped in. Jace too was frightened by the girl's sudden disappearance, but it made him even more determined to protect Janelle, even if he had to die trying. He pulled out his sword, and charged at one of the creatures. Janelle stood by, watching him. He could tell that she was scared again, but she needed to snap out of it or they all were going to be dead. He looked her in the eye as he jumped back from the beast, and nodded at her. Janelle knew what he was telling her. The bond of siblings could be strong to the point of not needing any words. Just like the battle against the bats, the girl pulled out her sword, and closed her eyes. Darkness enveloped her, her hearing and her sense of smell were the only thing guiding her now. She recognized the sound of her brother breathing, and the sounds of their allies breaths as well. There was a sound she did not recognize, a raspy breathing, along with the smells of dirt and mud. This is where she struck her blade, attacking one of the monsters, hacking and slashing at it. She eventually heard her brother's voice. [color=2e3192]"Switch![/color] he called out to her, and Janelle pulled back. Janelle realized that this was the only way she would be able to survive, at least until she was used to the sights of the world. She could not stand the sight of any monster, for it scared her. She opened her eyes again, and watched her brother fight the creature that was already badly damaged. The others were fighting their own battles, Starkette was fighting one, and the one known as Stone looked to be helping her. The other boy was by himself, and she wandered over to him. She looked at her brother, and he nodded. He raised his voice so that Campanella could hear him. [color=2e3192]"Switch!"[/color] Jace shouted, though he himself was not going over to aid him, he yelled it so his sister could aid Campanella. He caught a glimpse of Janelle, with eyes closed once again, charge straight for the monster. [i]Looks like she is getting used to the idea of fighting with her eyes closed.[/i]