One, a Knight; a wealthy noble with plenty of prestige, and plenty of secrets to keep to himself. Another, a street performer with nary a gold bit to her name, and an unfortunate tendency to end up in troublesome situations. Both stubborn and strong-minded, and hating the other with a fiery passion. Then, one day, they become tied together in the worst way. Our Knight angers a witch to her breaking point, and she will have her revenge. She sees our knight's hatred for this street rat, and decides to teach him a lesson. She binds their souls together, tying the life of one to the other. If he dies, so does she; if she, than he. With the various battles sir knight must do, and the violent aggressors our dancer must dodge, both must now find some common ground before their actions find them both dead. And that's the idea :) I prefer to play the female begger/performer, and I'm looking for someone who can post not a lengthy response, necessarily, but a competent one. I would like at least a paragraph, but two would be lovely. Post here if interested, and we can flesh out what we need.