[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DYdkL5x.png[/img][/center] [u][b]The Abrik Talot Space Station, Ⱥthistan ℱederation[/b][/u] President Roshawna had been up for several hours as he was going over the troop movements and information being passed down by the Priuca Command. The situation was getting worse as there are confirmed reports that these aliens had some sort of aircrafts and tanks in the city. The last time that they had heard from Command was before the destruction of Koriu Bridge. Since then, the Command has been silenced and the headquarters is waiting for them to respond. There also have been reports that dead bodies are bring dragged to the vessel, according to a few eyewitnesses. But, they are wild rumors at the moment until they are proven otherwise. President Roshawna went over his speech several times to ensure himself that it was perfect. He was going to announce to the world that they were at war with aliens and their unknown forces. They haven't come up with a name for them yet, but they have come up with several names for the smaller creatures. Grunts and shredders are the most commonly used names for the small creatures. As for the tall aliens, they are often called Crushers or Bigfoots. Of course, Roshawna isn't going to be using any names during his speech to the world. He kept reading his speech until someone told him that the room was finished. The room was originally a viewing area that had to be turned into a speech room. Several cameras were set up among with microphones on the desk. Roshawna took a seat on a chair and gathered all of his papers and looked over them once more. After a minute of reading his speech, he was finally ready to speak to his citizens. “My fellow citizens, I thank you for allowing me to speak towards the millions affected by this destructive moment in history. Our world has survived a massive war that claimed the lives of millions and the nuclear detonation that killed more lives and damaged our environment. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; the city of Cleim is burning; lives have been suddenly changed for the worse; creatures of unknown origins have invaded our world; hope that we will have a tomorrow gets lower each day we read the death count. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment. Yet we are still alive in this moment. As president of this federation, I promise to you all that I won't back down for those invaders until I draw my last breath. We all have to make that promise to our loved ones that are going to prevent the destruction of our world. We all have to make the necessary sacrifices in order to overcome this moment in history. We have to keep pushing forward or we will be crushed. This Federation will not stand down and will not talk in peace with them. They have taken enough lives to know that they won't back down so easily. This vessel is the cause of all this death and destruction; but, it's also a key to stopping them. That's why I am making this plea to our leaders: Please send your militaries to the depth of hells. I won't lie to you all, there's going to be too many dead; but, I'd rather have several million dead souls than the destruction of our planet. Won't you? Thank you all. I will always be with you.” The speech was finally over as Roshawna got out of the chair and walked out of the room. Several workers looked at the president as they finished hearing his speech and got back to work. He had hoped that some of the leaders would realize that sitting back would hurt the chances of winning this war. Roshawna went back to Dejen Iyasu's workspace and said to him, “What did I miss?” [u][b]Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation[/b][/u] “They are taking people and turning them into mindless troops?” the woman said in disgust as she finished hearing Bhaman's story on-board the vessel and how she got out of there. The whole thing seemed unreal and fake like some movie, but she remembers the whole process. The news crew were horrified about what happens to the people, who were brought aboard the vessel. “We need to get you to the military.” the woman said as she checked out Bhaman for any wounds, “You're now an important person and a target to those things.” The man kept driving around the city as he only took the streets and roads that looked stable enough. The reporter looked at the camera and said to Bhaman, “I never told you our names. My name is Zenha and the driver's name is Teodros.” Bhaman looked at her and responded, “My name is Bhaman.” She looked at the camera and her formal outfit as she realized that she was a reporter. “You were there at the beginning of this mess, weren't you?” Zenha looked down at her camera and answered, “Yes. We saw it all unfold. Almost every news channel was talking about this 'mysterious vessel that crashed into the heart of Cleim'. A lot of people were there as well. Children, college students, mother, and so many more. When we first saw the small creature, they looked so scared. Someone went to touch it's hand and...” She started to cry at remembering the terrifying moments after that. Zenha breathed repeatedly until Bhaman comforted her and said to her, “You don't need to tell the rest. You have been in a lot of pain.” Zenha smiled at her words and thanked her as she tried to stop crying. Bhaman decided to check on Teodros. He was forced on the road, but he was also shocked by the sudden crying. He had been driving for several hours now as the sun slowly came up from the mountains. Bhaman looked at the tried driver and said to him as she tried to get into the passenger seat, “Mind if I start driving?” “We are almost there. I can handle.” he insisted as he kept his eye on the road for any signs of those creatures. There was a moment of silence as Bhaman realized that she didn't know where they were taking her. It was dumb that she didn't ask them earlier about a possible location. “Where are we going?” she asked. “Well, we are going to the airport.” he revealed to her the location and his plan, “While you were on the vessel, the military pushed towards the airfield. About half of them made across the river until reinforcements came and started to fire at the helicopter. That was when the jets started to attack on the station, that's how you got out. Most of them made it to the airport, but some didn't. We filmed some parts of the attack by one of the Crushers spotted us and came towards us.” “Alright, that sounds like a good plan.” she said as she also kept an eye on the area. The area looked calm despite the background sound of gunshots, screaming, and explosions. Then, the car suddenly stopped in front of the highway that went to the airport. It was full of recently used cars and no clear way of getting the van on the highway, meaning that they have to walk. The two in the front seats looked in disappointment, but they got out of the van. Zenha also got out as she grabbed the camera and headed towards Teodros. “We have to walk now, don't we?” she acknowledged the cold hard truth. There no answers other than a disappointment sigh, meaning that they had to walk for hours. The three survivors started the long walk towards the airport, hoping that the military is still there in full force. They knew that it was going to be a long time before they saw the airport and anyone in fact as no-one else was on the highway. Meaning that they all could either be dead or somehow made it to the airport. Bhaman knew that the hundreds of abandoned vehicles were once owned, but their owners were gone forever.