[sub][hr]F O R G E : COMPLETE A L C H E M I S T: COMPLETE D I S E N C H A N T E R: COMPLETE W I S H I N G B A S I N: COMPLETE L I B R A R Y: COMPLETE M U S E U M: COMPLETE F O R T U N E T E L L E R: COMPLETE G E N E R A L S T O R E: COMPLETE[hr]U N D E R W A Y[hr]D O C T O R Removes Corruptions, Maladies and Insanity. G A M B L E R' S D E N Gamble for money, gain connections with seedy folk, apply for favors. Those who have Perfomance skills may come here to earn extra gold once an evening. M A R K E T P L A C E Sells a random selection of items each day, and used as a communal market place. Item selection is based off of which locations in the world have been discovered in the world and secured. [hr]B R A W L E R 'S R I N G In the gamblers den, can bet on fights and choose to compete. M E N A G E R I E Place to purchase pets and mounts, as well as unlock armour for pets/mounts and equipment. T A V E R N Stocks more dangerous quests, occasionally mercenaries may appear here. T R A I N I N G G R O U N D S Check the day's bounty (Beasts, Demons, Undead, ect) and receive gold for each creature of that type killed. Training can improve skills and moves over time, though it is a slow process.[hr]May need more work[hr]C H U R C H & C E M E T A R Y may attend to purchase Auras and begin to follow the paths of the righteous - gain Abilities based on a Diety. T H E M A R I A Serves the best food in all of town with the best bonuses. It is not part of the Prime District, but it will recognise the discounts of Elite and Proven students only. [/sub]