Now how could he explain things properly in a language that he didn't know all that well? It took a moment to sit down on the edge of the water of the pond, letting the two horses wander off to graze nearby, but Attacking Hawk waited for longer as he carefully chose words from his limited repertoire. Only when he was certain that he had chosent he best ones did he actually speak to answer her question. "Medince for much-" he mimicked coughing. Then he put a hand on his forehead like a mother usually did when checking the temperature. "Hurts much." He tapped his nose. "Full. No air." And finally he touched his throat. "Hurts much, no speak. Long sick. Is White Man sick. Understand?" He wondered how she could help him out at all. She wasn't an official trader in Rolling Hills, and he didn't see any special medicine with her. The shaman had tried all known cures that he knew to help Wild Rose, and it hadn't worked. This was one of the diseases that the whites had brought with them so they should have the medicine necessary. "Have white medicine?" Attacking Hawk asked once more.