Mortainius Mortainius heard what the voice said and saw the mech's head glowing red and knew that it wasn't good. After all, glowy red stuff was always bad! While Mortainius did not fear giant lasers, he did not want his army to be vaporized. It then occurred to Mortainius that he may not be able to stop the firing process, but he COULD change it's direction. Mortainius attempts to fire a purple ray at the mech's feet, turning parts of it into non-conductive concrete, which would destabilize its footing causing it to slip, forcing the beam to fire in a different direction, or at the very least delay it. Unfortunately, fortune was not in Mortainius's favor, as the ray backfired and turned HIS body into concrete! Fortunately, Mortainius could still aim his staff at the mech, though the fact that it backfired meant he could probably only get one more shot off before the mech's laser was finished charging. He would still stick to the plan of destabilizing the feet, but this time he would attempt to manifest the yellow ray. "Rainbow Rod!" He shouted. "Now is NOT the time to backfire!" And it backfired. The Rod released a powerful EMP that would disable all electronics nearby. This would include the Mech assuming it was affected by such things, but unfortunately it would also affect him and the rest of his army, leaving them little more than sitting ducks just waiting to be vaporized. And on top of that, the Rainbow Rod would be disabled for about a minute or two meaning he won't be able to defend himself. "Welp." Proclaimed Mortainius. "This is gonna suck!"