Cerdic saw the hopes of he and his men die with the Sigmarite. He let out a rasping breath from the thick air and the exertion of ramming his large sword into enemy mail and hide. His eyes bespoke a resignation of defeat, but a fierceness that he wouldn't go down without dragging a few of these chaos spawn to hell with him. Beside him, the willowy Pistolier held her gun at the ready toward the Chaos leader, and the crack of her pistol went off as she fired. The bullet punched into the warrior's neck, staggering it for a moment. It let out a hoarse and croaking chuckle, before drawing itself up again. "You have what I need, Imperial bitch." the leader said, its voice deathly calm, but echoing across the trees with utter clarity. Cerdic's eyes narrowed in confusion, but whatever was happening, this woman had saved his life. He'd help her live a bit longer. If she were a man he'd say she had brass balls. With one strong arm, he grabbed her under the arm and hauled her atop one of the wagons for her to fall on her rump roughly. Cerdic raised his sword and eyed the champion, before feeling a sudden jerk from where he stood. It seemed the mules had had enough of this insanity. They bucked and sped forward, and it was all Cerdic Becker could do to not fall out onto the dirt path. "Hold on!" he cried to the woman. The mules kicked and trampled a few of the lesser mutants, blood soaking their pelts, before charging passed the line of broken and defeated Imperials and making its way further into the forest. Roars and baying could be heard behind them, and the Chaos Champion pointed at the fleeing wagon. Despite this, the beastman were too enamored with bloodlust to listen, and they fell upon the last vestiges of Halberdiers and Swordsman, hacking them apart mercilessly before Hilde and Cerdic's eyes. It was barely a minute or two before they hit a large root within the road, sending them both leaping upwards to find no purchaes atop the wagon anymore, sliding off to hit the dirt in rough rolls that send dust and debris flying around them. [@Austronaut]