It was finally a free period for Kento and he took it to its full advantage; meaning he had locked himself up in the library. Kento Kyo was a junior in high school ready to move into his senior year, but he had to get through the junior year first. As his fingers danced along the spins of the books, the sandy blonde haired boy gaze at them lovingly. There was so much information to be had, so much written down for him to absorb like a sponge and he would have never had this option if it wasn’t for his parents letting him go to school, just a school. His eyes blinked as he stared at one of the spines. Should he take this one? If you were to compare the Kyo brothers, or even mention the names you’d know exactly who they were. There was the hot-headed greasy monkey, the charming lady’s man and… well Kento. Some called him the ‘oddity’ some called him the ‘quiet one’ and some referred to him as ‘the devil child’ and made up extensive stories about him. Why? Because his left eye was a golden color, much like his eldest brother Astuma, and his right eye was a teal color. You would think that his mother being a well-respected scientist would be able to push aside superstition for the sake of her son but she couldn’t. The refusal to put Kento into school was so intense that he was normally restricted of even going outside because he looked ‘different’; if it wasn’t for his brothers, probably would have had to attend an online school and never had access to an outside life. But here he was and he held no remorse towards his mother. Nor did he hold remorse or resentment for those who treated him differently. In fact, he wishes they would talk to him more. The through pattern behind why people think the way they do was a situation that fascinated him tremendously. He wanted to understand their thought patterns and learn why they think the way they do. Maybe becoming a psychologist would be an interesting career. A small noise caught his attention and his head slowly turned to look over his shoulder. A girl who had been sitting further away from him seemed to have inched closer and sat at the nearby table. Watching her for an additional moment he tilted his head to one side and gave her a small closed lip smile. “Hello.” He was never anti-social, it was more along the lines of people not wanting to be social with him.