Fuck it, I'll bite. [@Azkott] Apologizes if being a Jump Trooper is too extreme for this RP. [hider=Jump Trooper #1] [center][h1][u]ST417 "Saint"[/u][/h1] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/b/1/f/6/12078862232107845006Peileppe_angel_grunge.svg.hi.png[/img] [i]"Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe."[/i] Voltare[/center] [hr][hr] [h3][b]CLASSIFICATION[/b][/h3] Jump Trooper [h3][b]DESIGNATION[/b][/h3] ST417 [h3][b]RANK[/b][/h3] Corporal (ST417 has seen a few firefights and battles, just enough to get himself a hasty promotion) [h3][b]NICKNAME[/b][/h3] Saint (A result of both his designation and his status as a Jump Trooper who flies around) [h3][b]RACE[/b][/h3] Human [h3][b]HOMEWORLD[/b][/h3] Coruscant [h3][b]ARMOR[/b][/h3] [indent]ST417 prefers the look of "virgin" Stormtrooper armor and thus has left it relatively untouched barring a sing wing-like icon on his left shoulder with his designation under it; he tends not to modify the "original, superior" look of the armor.[/indent] [h3][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/h3] [indent]ST417 without his helmet and armor looks fairly unoriginal and generic. No notable facial features, no special markings or scars, just a pair of black eyes and black hair that's always kept short as per regulation. He has however always looked a bit skinny and gaunt.[/indent] [h3][b]HISTORY[/b][/h3] [indent]ST417 is an interesting soldier as unlike many other troopers who were "elected" to go into Stormtrooper training, ST417 actually volunteered at a young age to become one. When asked about his life prior to Imperial service/childhood, he always responses with some variation of "I was a lost boy from Neverland", referencing some old story he once heard. It wildly accepted that ST417 was some street orphan who enjoyed listening to old stories and fairytales prior to his service and training. In training, ST417 distinguished himself from his peers by being the most dedicated and loyal of his class, able to recite any passage from the training manuel or regulation codex at any moment, never failing any of his duties, being an impeccable student and showing the ideal mentality of a soldier. He saw himself as part of the Empire's unfailing guard and has such was bound to its principles and ideology. He was the peacekeeper of order, the all important principle of the Empire which trumped everything else. Such thinking made him well liked by his teachers who always called on him to answer questions and made him class role model. Once his training was done, ST417 gladly took on his designation, taking it as a sign that he was a true guardian of the Empire but he still wanted to do more, he wanted to be something even greater. ST417 wanted to become one of the elites, a Death Trooper or even a Novatrooper, the highest honor anyone could possibly be given in his eye. But despite effortlessly passing the written exams and having more than enough recommendations, he failed the physical requirements of becoming such a coveted soldier, his small, weak frame hindering him. Discouraged, ST417 opted to become a Jump Trooper, seeing it as the next best thing without such rigorous physical requirements.[/indent] [h3][b]NOTES[/b][/h3] [indent]ST417's faith in the Empire and its ideals are absolute and unwavering as his dedication, his drive and motivation making up for whatever physical strength he may lack. He follows orders to the letter and always obeys his superiors as by not doing so would be rebellious behavior. However, there are hints that his mental state may not actually be 100% stable and may be a major factor behind his fanatical devotion to the Empire and his duty as a Stormtrooper. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY6IYZMdY4k]OOC: Most of this Char was inspired by this song.[/url][/indent] [/hider]