Hopefully Jet here's decent enough. [hider=Jet] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/0bee/i/2013/278/4/e/death_star_gunner_cosplay__4__by_gonkbot-d6pa5ls.jpg[/img] Stormtrooper classification: Imperial Weapons Technician/General Technician if needed. Designation: JE292 Military Ranking: Lieutenant Nickname: Jet, or his real name; Josh. Race/species: Human Planetary Origin: Corusant Gender: Male Armor appearance: The standard Imperial Weapons Technician/Gunner uniform: [img]http://nordicgarrison.net/ng2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ig.png[/img] Jet has made multiple modifications to the shown armour above by adding more pockets to the trousers, they are nicely added pockets and they do hold the tools well but there are no other modifications. Personality: On the field Jet's a man who will try his best to get out of the line of fire and plan an ambush, he is a technician afterall, not a stormtrooper, if he needs to fight Jet will set up traps beforehand and if he has to retreat Jet will sabotage as much as he can before he absolutely has to not because he's spiteful but because it's Scorched earth, a proven tactic that works. Off the field Jet's a laid back, happy and yet hardworking man who will try his best to get something done as soon as possible so he has more time to relax, again he thinks ahead, it's an overriding thing in his life to prepare ahead. Appearance: Jet here looks mildly handsome and he's reasonably well built, he's not the best looking or most muscular man alive but he has obviously been kept in good shape by his job. He walks with a cheerful vigour about him which is unlike most other imperial soldiers, then again that's a recurring theme from his past. He also has a decent beard and head of hair on himself as well, nice light brown colour. He wears the uniform in the picture when he's working inside an Imperial base, the armour's for field duty. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU_k41mXAAAsS4H.png[/img] History: Joshua here was supported by his family to join the Imperial Army as an engineer, and he managed to do so and skip the majority of the training because of a clerical error, he only spent one weekend in training before he was made an Imperial Weapons Technician, he did have to rise the ranks like every other Imperial soldier and it was harder for the poor soldier because he wasn't experienced in Imperial Technology, although his family's training he managed to pick up how the military grade equipment worked right in front of an officer. Since then this lucky technician has survived on a small outer rim outpost with a skeleton crew around him. Notes: He knows his full name because of how little training he received due to the clerical error, and he follows orders reasonably well... He just doesn't get along too well with the stormtroopers who believe in the Empire with a zealous attitude because he had a weekend of training and they almost certainly had the full course, that information about his lack of training is a hard secret to pry from Jet. [/hider]