[color=a187be][i][b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/center][/b][/i][/color] Annabeth smiled and sat down near Helena. [color=a187be]"Thanks, I was afraid I was going to have to eat breakfast alone."[/color] She looked to the others, mostly the girl who called herself E'nasha. It seemed familiar to her, but Annabeth couldn't quite place it. "I'm pleased to meet you too E'nasha! Hmm... No, I don't think we have classes together, and yet... Oh! I think I remember now. I met you during the roc hunt!"[/color] They didn't really get a chance to properly introduce one another, but Annabeth now remember seeing the girl after Aramir and Auriel managed to bring back Rorik's wagon. Somehow E'nasha was also there. [color=a187be]"You know that reminds me, I never did figure out [i]how[/i] and [i]why[/i] you were in that Roc's nest. I mean, it could have been helpful, you know? Being inside the best were Rorik's wagon was. It could have certainly made it easier getting to the nest."[/color] Annabeth took a bite of her pickle as she waited to hear E'nasha's story.