Also something that everyone can help me out on: I was planning to add in more continents as well as other species. Here were a few idea's I had so far: 1)A reptilian type race that inhabits a jungle/marshy continent. Currently at war with the Imperium and have lost half their land to the elves. Has a very tribal based society that bands together when they need too. 2)A Avian type race that has been conquered by the Elven Imperium for centuries. They inhabit a very lush and green continent and originally lived in mountain cities and towns. Though the species has the capability to fly many have their wings removed at birth by their Elven masters. They are a very peaceful and gentle people, making their enslavement all the more sadder. 3)A species that bears reasonable resabalance to humans. They inhabit the largest continent in the World and like Formaroth and Beilokias their species is far spread. They pose the biggest direct threat to the Imperium and have very tense relations. 4) I was also thinking about adding another human kingdom (small Island) somewhere in between Formaroth and Beilokias and would very much be Feudal Japan in terms of culture. Anyway What I was going to ask was what you think of my current idea's and if you have any ideas for species/civilization please do share.