WIP [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/Death_troopers.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20160809160454[/img] Stormtrooper classification: Death Trooper Designation: DT-134 Military Ranking: Specilist Nickname: Blackout Race/species: Human Planetary Origin: Hoth Gender: Male Armour appearance: In accordance to his job, he wears the black armour of the Death troops, the armour is lighter than the average Troopers but will shurg off more hits. On the shoulder he has a white light bulb with another line though it. Personality: Just a curt description pertaining to what they're like on and off the field of battle. Appearance: What they look like beneath the (hopefully) menacing armor. History: I'd honestly prefer this part to be brief. Is there really much to say? Most Stormtroopers share the same background, and most of the details of their lives are made known thanks to their race, or home planet. Treat this more so as an opportunity to discuss their strengths and weaknesses, maybe what they excelled at in the academy, and what they sucked at. If you really want to write something else, feel free, no one's stopping you, and it'll only further assist the storyline. Notes: This part is basically optional. If there's anything you feel like mentioning about your soldier, whether it be some personal memento he carries or a pyrotechnic obsession with flame, do so here.