[center]"[url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/8/8c/Sion.move03.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20140927044313]No...pain... no... feeling... but hungerrrr...[/url]"[/center] [center][h3][b][s]General[/s] Sion, The Undead Juggernaut[/b][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/5aeb/th/pre/f/2016/047/4/5/decimating_smash_by_nielspeterdejong-d9s0d3f.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]K (Kills)/D (Deaths)/A (Assists)[/b][/center] [center]0/0/0[/center] [center][color=blue]W (Wins)[/color]: 0 | [color=red]L (Losses)[/color]: 0[/center] [b]Affiliation:[/b] Noxus! [b]Role:[/b] Tank/Fighter (Juggernaut) [b]Attributes:[/b] Melee/Pusher [b]Height:[/b] 10'6" [b]Weight:[/b] 915 lbs. (With no official source for the current Sion's height and weight, I'm calculating it based on his art height and BMI.) [b]Written Appearance:[/b] A lumbering rotten hulk of muscle and hate and war, Sion cuts a gigantic figure on the field of battle. With wounds left untreated and fastened by iron and fire, armor fused to his flesh and a blade adorning him like a knight's plume. He is a nightmarish figure, his stomach and eyes alight with a wicked inferno. An axe as big as any man, spikes of metal on every piece of armor. A stump leg replaced with a slab of iron, the only clothes adorning him are a loincloth and pants. Most frightful of all is what was once the crown of Jarvan the First, cut and bent to fit his face it is fastened to his jaw. Great fangs of steel and tarnished gold. [b]Personality:[/b] Sion is only truly alive and conscious when he is spilling blood, his mind is fueled by the furnace of blood in his gut. Without bloodshed he cannot think straight, his mind is dull and bestial. He fears the loss of who he is and spills blood so he will never forget. He was a general, his finest moment was killing the king of his country's gravest enemies. Now a dog, a weapon, an engine of war. He needs to kill so he will never forget, and in the moment of battle he feels whole. [b]Friends:[/b] • Swain [b]Rivals:[/b] • Any Demacian, two in particular though. • Jarvan IV • Galio • Swain [u]Special Abilities[/u] Glory in Death: Upon death, Sion reanimates with rapidly decaying health. His attack speed increases and he gains 100% lifesteal. All of his abilities are replaced with Death Surge which grants a burst of movement speed. Duration: 1 turn. Decimating Smash: Sion charges a powerful swing that can either slow or knock up enemies. Quick activation slows, waiting until full charge stuns. Duration of Slow and Stun: 1 turn Cool Down: 1 turn Soul Furnace: [list] [*]Passive: Heals two injuries for every minion killed. Heals one major injury for every large monster killed. Restored to full health for every champion killed. [*]Active: Sion creates a shield of blood that soaks up damage. The amount of protection that the shield offers is directly proporitonal to his ability power and health. [/list] Cool Down: 1 turn Roar of the Slayer: Sion fires a short range shockwave that slows, reduces the armor of the first enemy hit, and damages. If it hits a minion, the minion will be knocked back as a projectile. Traveling the full distance of the original projectile over again. Slow Duration: 1 turn Armor Reduction (basically Armor ignored for...) 1 turn Thrown minion can potentially inflict a major wound to whomever it hits. Cool Down: 1 turn Unstoppable Onslaught: Sion becomes his namesake, an unstoppable juggernaut that charges and incredible speed. Getting faster over time. Sion becomes immune to all crowd control during the duration of this spell. His charge knocks enemies up and stuns based on the distance he has charged. The damage it deals is proportional to his AD. Duration: 1 turn Instant minion death Stun Duration: 1 turn Cool Down: 3 turns