[hr][hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/37478c8ae9e98ff40872f81e9c708768/tumblr_o1j56opbTf1upsnono4_250.gif[/img] [h1][color=0076a3]Kayla Archer[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] "[color=0076a3][i]Today's the day, Kayla. Don't fuck it up. Don't fuck it up.[/i][/color]" Today was a particularly big day for Kayla. The first job interview she'd managed to pick up since she lost her previous job. As soon as they called her back, she booked the first flight to Pennsyvania and made her way there. She really needed this job, now with her daughter, Kelly, having only her to support her through life. The details of the position she would be undertaking (if she was hired) sounded practically identical to the job she previously had, but with slightly better benefits that benefited both her and her daughter, like a better dental plan. She wanted this job really bad, and with her prior experience and credentials, she was confident she would be getting it, provided there wasn't some guy from Stanford with a PhD. She sat in her rental car, driving toward Dunder Mufflin of New Castle. She had never been to this part of the United States before, so she was leaning on her phone to provide her guidance. She didn't even know where she was at this moment. All she hoped for was that she made it there on time. The car ride there was silent, not bothering to listen to the radio since she was in the zone right now. She was rehearsing the interview in her head as she drove along the freeway. It was going to be a little bit before she arrived, about twenty minutes according to the GPS, with the traffic as well. She went over things like credentials, why she wanted this job, skills she brought to the table, all sorts of things like that. She had interviews before, just not in a long time. It was sort of scary, but it wasn't something that Kayla couldn't handle. A few minutes later and the treacherous drive there had deescalated down to a tranquil journey through the local streets. There were no cars to be found as she traversed into miles and miles of office buildings. The lone woman scanned carefully for the building she was supposed to arrive at. She was anxious to just get there already. The extra effort to locate the building had soon paid off as her phone had chimed, indicating that her destination was to her right. Pulling into the parking lot, she saw that there were a few empty spots. Looking at the building, there was no way that it was all occupied by Dunder Mifflin, which meant that she would probably encounter some people from other companies at some point. She pulled into an empty spot, right next to a Bentley that needed a little restoring. She turned the car off, but remained in her seat for just a moment as she collected herself, taking a deep breath before she grabbed her belongings and walked out. The sun beat down on her dark gray blazer and her purple shirt as she made her way to the front building, passing a pink Fiat and a Chevy Cobalt. As Kayla walked into the building, she was greeted by a security guard sitting by at a booth, before she stopped in front of the directory to see where Dunder Mifflin was. Locating it, she promptly walked into the elevator and ascended to the floor the branch was located. Hearing the bell go off, she walked out into the hallway, her heels making a loud thump as she walked down the corridor. Finding herself in front of Dunder Mifflin's New Castle branch, she took a deep breath and opened the door, walking into the strangely familiar office. However, it seemed to be desolate. Nobody was around, not even a receptionist. Kayla looked around awkwardly, before taking a seat right next to the empty receptionist desk. She put her head back on the seat and waited, hoping that someone would come by soon. Or was she too early? She was a few minutes ahead of schedule so maybe they weren't expecting her so early. Either way, Kayla was fine with the wait. It allowed her to collect herself.