[center][u][h3][i][color=f26522]♛ The Apotheosis of the Court ♛[/color][/i][/h3][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/3wrD6CH.png [/img][/center][/center] [hr] Melaron. It was both a place of power as well as a beacon point of light, justice…and attraction for those of a darker allegiance. Yet the callings of forces greater than one’s own mortal coil and flesh beckoned those steeped into the shadows towards the city of radiance and light. It was there that these travelers would be blessed with an unholy moon to guide their way with pale light. Yes, that was the best word to describe this entire scenario. Unholy. For despite the evil that lay waste in these villain’s paths, all of them lay hallow in comparison to the words of the dark god that had summoned them here. Or so they were led to believe, but one dare not carry their pride and accomplishments lightly in the presence of Kil'threx. One such denizen who had been summoned forth from the slumber of inactivity walked into the mortal world once more via a portal of great power, accompanied by only another. Unlike some who had partaken in this pilgrimage, [url=http://i.imgur.com/WEyjrKy.png]Aesir, the Apotheosis of the Court[/url] held no fear in his heart. He was much too old and devoted to other goals to let fear permeate his nature; no, instead a burning curiosity had guided his steps on this night. He had manifested not far from the cottage that was to be their destination and so immediately set forth in that direction. Upon his figure was the [url=http://i.imgur.com/Co5BQiN.jpg]mask[/url] that solidified his existence as one of the Court’s. Whatever that actually meant. Nevertheless, there was no need to rush on this night of nights, the wind ensuring his path would not falter. No words were spoken to his most loyal subject for they shared a bond greater than that of love, loyalty, or devotion. Perhaps, in the end, it was merely a pawn walking with its master but that would not discourage Aesir from utilizing said pawn if need be. Musing once more on such thoughts, the armored man had at long last reached the cottage, only to notice a platoon of skeleton warriors already entering. Interest increasing, the masked man proceeded to walk through one of the cottage’s walls and into the establishment, phasing through like a phantom. Then he rested his back against the very same wall with crossed arms, features hidden and expressionless behind his mask. So then, he was not the first to arrive to their marked beginning? The masked man turned his face towards the pirate and said nothing, merely staring at him with his gaze. His servant could do as she wished for there was no more reason for her to be at his side. In any case, he could sense the approaching presences of more individuals, each of them headed for the very cottage he found himself residing in. To be called by the famed God of Evil? Well then, things were bound to be interesting. [hr][center][@TheWizardLizard], [@KoL][/center]